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Preparation, characterization and aggregation plugging characteristic of nanoparticles profile control agent
邵明鲁1 左 姜1 常爱莲2 孙天宇1 张厚叶1 浮历沛1
1.常州大学 石油与天然气工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164; 2.常州大学 机械与轨道交通学院, 江苏 常州 213164
SHAO Minglu1 ZUO Jiang1 CHANG Ailian2 SUN Tianyu1 ZHANG Houye1 FU Lipei1
1.School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Changzhou 213164, China; 2.School of Mechanical Engineering and Rail Transit, Changzhou 213164, China
深部调剖 纳米颗粒调剖剂 颗粒簇 封堵性能
deep profile control nanoparticles profile control agent particle clusters plugging performance
TE 39
研究提出了分散注入-原位聚集封堵的思路,以苯乙烯和丙烯酰胺为聚合单体,研制出一种表面含有酰胺基团且具有核壳非均质结构的纳米颗粒调剖剂,通过向油藏中注入粒径远小于油藏孔喉尺寸的纳米颗粒,将分散于地层水中的纳米颗粒移至油藏深部后,与预先注入到地层中的调控剂相接触,聚集成与水窜通道尺寸相匹配的颗粒簇,实现对水窜通道的封堵。制备的纳米颗粒热分解温度可达300 ℃以上,能够适用于高温油藏,并且纳米颗粒膨胀倍数小于2.0,可有效避免膨胀倍数过大导致的运移过程中剪切破碎的问题。封堵实验表明,纳米颗粒注入性良好,注入压力与注水时几乎无差别,纳米颗粒与预先注入的聚集调控剂混合后聚集成颗粒簇调剖剂,能够对岩芯孔喉进行有效封堵,在0.1 μm2岩芯中,纳米颗粒聚集堵率大于80%。
The study proposed the idea of dispersed injection in-situ aggregation plugging, using styrene and acrylamide as polymerization monomers to develop nanoparticles profile control agent with a surface containing amide groups and a core-shell heterogeneous structure. By injecting nanoparticles with a particle size much smaller than the pore throat size into the reservoir, the dispersed nanoparticles in the formation water are moved to the deep part of the reservoir and come into contact with the regulator in the formation to aggregate into a particle cluster that matches the size of the water breakthrough channel, achieving the plugging of the water breakthrough channel. The thermal decomposition temperature of the prepared nanoparticles can reach more than 300 ℃, which can be suitable for high-temperature oil reservoirs. The expansion ratio of the nanoparticles is less than 2.0, which can effectively avoid the problem of shearing and breaking during the migration process due to the excessive expansion ratio. Core flooding experiments show that nanoparticles have good injectability and the injection pressure is almost the same as that of water injection. Nanoparticles can aggregate into particle clusters after mixing with aggregation regulators, which can effectively block the pore-throats of the core. When the permeability of core is 0.1 μm2, the plugging rate of nanoparticles is more than 80%.


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收稿日期: 2024-03-15。
基金项目: 江苏省自然科学青年基金资助项目(BK20220622); 常州大学科研启动计划资助项目(ZMF21020383)。
作者简介: 邵明鲁(1991—), 男, 江苏徐州人, 博士, 讲师。 E-mail: minglushao@cczu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01