 WANG Hui- long,FAN Hong- bo.Progress in Research on Adsor ption Per form ances for Int er face Corr osion In hibitors[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2004,(03):56-60.





Progress in Research on Adsor ption Per form ances for Int er face Corr osion In hibitors
王慧龙1 范洪波2
1.大连理工大学化学系, 辽宁 大连 116024; 2. 江苏工业学院环境与安全工程系, 江苏 常州 213016
WANG Hui- long1 FAN Hong- bo2
1. Department of Chemistry, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China; 2. Department of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Jiangsu Pelytechnic University, Changzhou 213016, China
腐蚀 缓蚀剂 吸附
corrosion corrosion inhibitor adsorption performance
TG 174. 42
从缓蚀剂的吸附热力学与动力学、缓蚀吸附与腐蚀电化学交互作用、缓蚀吸附影响因素、缓蚀剂构效相关性以及缓蚀吸 附作用的研究方法等方面综述了界面型缓蚀剂缓蚀吸附行为的研究进展。结果表明, 运用现代分析测试技术和理论化学方法深 入阐释缓蚀剂在金属界面的缓蚀吸附行为和机理是未来缓蚀剂领域研究中的发展趋势, 对于开发围绕性能和经济目标的新型多 用途环保型缓蚀剂将具有重要的理论意义和社会价值。
The progress in research on adsorption performances for interface corrosion inhibitor was reviewed in this paper. The considerations of corrosion inhibitor adsorption performances from the viewpoint of thermody2 namics and dynamics, interaction between adsorption and electrochemical process, factors affecting corrosion inhibition adsorption, relationship between molecular structure and inhibition performance and methods of in2 vestigating adsorption performances for interface corrosion inhibitor are discussed thoroughly. The results showed that elucidating the adsorption behavior and mechanism of interface corrosion inhibitor on metal surface by means of modern analytical technology and theoretical chemistry method is the goal of studying inhibitors.


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作者简介: 王慧龙( 1971- ) , 男, 博士, 讲师, 主要从事精细化工品的合成及材料腐蚀防护研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2004-09-25