[1]谢建生,李金华,袁宁一,等.用掺杂方法改变VO2 多晶薄膜相变温度研究[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2005,(03):1-5.
 XIE Jian -sheng,Li Jin -hua,YUAN Ning -yi,et al.Change of Phase Transition Temperature of Polycrystalline Vanadium Dioxide Film by Doping Methods[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2005,(03):1-5.

用掺杂方法改变VO2 多晶薄膜相变温度研究()




Change of Phase Transition Temperature of Polycrystalline Vanadium Dioxide Film by Doping Methods
谢建生 李金华 袁宁一 陈汉松 周 懿
江苏工业学院功能材料实验室, 江苏 常州 213016
XIE Jian -sheng Li Jin -hua YUAN Ning -yi CHEN Han -song ZHOU Yi
Functional Materials Laboratory , Jiangsu Poly technic University , Changzhou 213016 , China
Vanadium dioxide film doping modif ication phase transitions
T N 213 ;O 552.6 ;TB 43  
用离子束增强沉积方法对二氧化钒多晶薄膜作Ar 和W 掺杂, 明显改变了二氧化钒薄膜的相变温度。研究表明, 成膜时 注入的氩在二氧化钒结构形成前就很快外释, 掺杂Ar 对相变温度降低的贡献主要来自间隙Ar。W 原子的掺杂可有效地将二氧 化钒多晶薄膜的相变温度降低到室温附近, 为大幅提高薄膜的室温电阻-温度系数提供了可能。
Polycry stalline VO2 films doped with argon and tungsten were prepared by modified Ion Beam Enhanced Deposition (IBED)method .The experiment results indicated that the phase transition temperature (T c)of the doped IBED VO2 films w ere decreased evidently compared to un -doping VO2 films .The most of implanted Ar atoms in the as -IBED films will diffuse out befo re crystallization .The remaining Ar will appear at the intersti tial site of the VO2 lattice and the boundary of the grain .The effect of argon doping on the phase transition temperature was mainly cont ributed by the Ar at the interstitial site .Tungsten doping could decrease effectively the Tc of the vanadium dioxide film to room temperature .It is possible to increase the temperature coefficient of resistance of the films for IR application .


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(60277019);江苏省自然科学基金(BK2005023) 作者简介:谢建生(1960 -), 男, 江苏 常州 人, 讲师, 主要从事信息功能薄膜的研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2005-09-25