[1]邵 敏,蔡志强,赵希岳,等.放射性核素60Co 在土壤中吸附和解吸的动力学研究[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2006,(03):11-15.
 SHAO Min,CAI Zhi -Qiang,ZHAO Xi -yue,et al.Kinetic Research on Adsorption and Desorption of Cobalt -60 in Soils[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2006,(03):11-15.

放射性核素60Co 在土壤中吸附和解吸的动力学研究()




Kinetic Research on Adsorption and Desorption of Cobalt -60 in Soils
邵 敏1 蔡志强2 赵希岳2 冯俊生1
1.江苏工业学院环境与安全工程系, 江苏 常州 213164 ;2.江苏工业学院化学工程系
SHAO Min1 CAI Zhi -Qiang 2 ZHAO Xi -yue2 FENG Jun -sheng1
1 .Department of Envi ronmental and Safety Eng ineering , Jiangsu Poly technic University , Changzhou 213164 , China ;2 .Department of Chemical Engineering , Jiangsu Poly technic University
cobalt -60 soiladsorption desorption tracer kinetic
X 591 ;X 131.3  
应用同位素示踪技术, 研究了60Co 在小粉土、黄红壤、青紫泥和海泥中的吸附和解吸。结果表明, 60Co 进入淹水土壤之 后, 迅速地被土壤吸附而达到吸附平衡, 不易解吸。吸附率和分配系数大小排列顺序均为:海泥>青紫泥>黄红壤>小粉土; 解吸因数的大小排列顺序为:黄红壤>小粉土>青紫泥>海泥。60Co 在土壤中的动态变化可用封闭二分室进行描述, 其动态变 化规律为, 小粉土C1 =1 382.6 (1 -exp( -3.609 5t)), 黄红壤C2 =1 570.6 (1 -exp(-5.510 4t)
The isotopic tracer technique w as applied to study the adsorption and desorption of cobalt -60 in paddy soil on pow dery loam , yellow -red earth , paddy soil on blue purple clay and sea clay .The result s show that af ter cobalt -60 entered into the f lood soil , it w as quickly adsorped by soil and reached the adsorption equilibrium , but it w as difficult to be desorbed .The order of the saturated adsorption rate and K d (distribution coeff icient) of cobal t -60 at the balance value w as:sea clay >puddy soil on blue purple clay >yellow -red earth > paddy soil on powdery loam .The o rder of Df (desorption factor)value is:yellow -red earth >paddy soil on pow dery loam >puddy soil on blue purple clay >sea clay .The dynamic behavior of cobalt -60 in the soils can be described by a closed tw o -compartment model and C1 =1 382.6 (1 -exp(-3.609 5 t))for paddy soil on pow dery loam , C2 =1 570.6 (1 -exp(-5.510 4t))for yellow -red earth , C3 =1 594.9 (1 -exp(-7.554 1 t))for paddy soil on blue purple clay , C4 =1 643.9 (1 -exp(-13.092 1 t))for sea clay , respectively .


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(39570149);江苏省环境保护厅资助项目(2003076) 作者简介:邵敏(1976 -), 女, 江苏徐州人, 硕士, 主要从事环境污染控制和环境监测的教学和研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2006-09-25