 SHEN Xiao -ming,CHEN Xian -feng,NI Chong -wen,et al.Effects of Quasi -Periodicity on Photonic Crystal Defect Modes[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2007,(02):50-53.





Effects of Quasi -Periodicity on Photonic Crystal Defect Modes
沈小明 陈宪锋 倪重文 王旭东 是度芳
江苏工业学院信息科学系, 江苏 常州 213164
SHEN Xiao -ming CHEN Xian -feng NI Chong -wen WANG Xu -dong SHI Du -fang
Department of Info rmation Science , Jiangsu Poly technic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
photonic crystal quasi -periodicity defect mode quality facto r
O 472
利用传输矩阵法研究了Bragg 镜的准周期性对光子晶体缺陷模的影响。研究表明, 无论是高折射率介质层还是低折射率 介质层, 当其折射率或厚度按一定的递变规律递增时, 缺陷模都将向低频方向移动, 递减时则向高频方向移动。但对缺陷模品 质因子的影响却不同, 高折射率介质层的折射率递增时品质因子提高, 递减时品质因子减小;但低折射率介质层的折射率递变 时品质因子的变化规律刚好相反;而介质层厚度的递变几乎不影响品质因子。此外还研究了准周期性对缺陷层内电场增强效应 的影响。
By using the transfer matrix method , the effects of Bragg -mirror quasi -periodicity on the photonic crystal defect mode was studied .Investigations reveal that , for both high and low refractive -index dielect ric layers , the defect mode always shifts in the direction of low frequency with the refractive index or thickness increasing gradually .However , the quality factor of the defect mode is affected in a different way by the quasi -periodicity .When the refractive index of the high refractive -index layer increases or decreases gradually the quality factor is correspondingly upgraded or lowered , but for the low refractive -index layer gradual change of the ref ractive index affects the quality factor in a reversed way , nevertheless gradual change of the layer thickness has almost no influence on the quality factor .Furthermore influence of the quasi-periodici ty on the elect ric field enhancement effect inside the defect layer was also studied , which is similar to that on the quality factor .


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作者简介:沈小明(1963 -), 男, 江苏宜兴人, 讲师, 主要从事光学材料及理论研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2007-06-25