[1]孙贤祥,邱岳进,谢爱娟,等.合成受体- 盐酸普萘洛尔分子印迹聚合物的 合成与分子识别[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(03):50-55.
 SU N Xian- x iang,Q IU Yue- jin,XIE Ai- juan,et al.Synthetic Receptor for Propranolol- Synthesis and Molecular Recognition of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(03):50-55.

合成受体- 盐酸普萘洛尔分子印迹聚合物的 合成与分子识别()




Synthetic Receptor for Propranolol- Synthesis and Molecular Recognition of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer
孙贤祥1 邱岳进2 谢爱娟 1 王志勇 3 苏增权3
1.江苏工业学院 化学化工学院 , 江苏 常 州 213 164; 2. 常 州出入境 检验检 疫局, 江苏 常州 213 022; 3. 常州市 天汁化 学 有限公司 , 江苏 常州 21 301 6)
SU N Xian- x iang1 Q IU Yue- jin 2 XIE Ai- juan1 WAN G Zhi- y ong3 SU Z eng- quan 3
1. School of Chem istry and Chemical Eng ineering , Jiangsu Poly technic U niver sity, Chang zhou 213 164, China; 2. Changzhou Bur eau of Commo dity Inspectio n & Q uarantine on Entering and Ex iting, Changzho u 213022; 3. T ian Ze Chemical Limited Com pa
分子印迹聚合物 盐酸普萘洛尔 分子识别 印迹条件
mo lecularly imprinted po lym er pr opranolo l hydrochlor ide mo lecule recog nition imprinting condition
Q 632; R 971
以盐酸普萘洛尔为模板分子、 甲基丙烯酸甲酯为单 体、 TM P 为 交联剂, 通 过对分子 印迹聚合 物合成条 件的优选, 合 成 出了 对盐酸普萘洛尔呈高选择识别的分子印迹聚合物。 首次采用有效分配系数 Kc , 并 用 Scatchard 分析等评 价了 分子印迹聚 合 物对底物的吸附特性。 Scatch ard 分析结果表明 , 普萘洛尔- M IP 存在两种分子识 别位点, 其离解常 数 K d1, K d2 和最大表观 结 合量 Q max 1, Q max2 分别为 11 37 @ 10- 5 mol/ L, 91 50 @ 10- 5 mol/ L 和 251 72 Lmol/ g, 691 06 Lmol/ g。 还调查了 普萘洛尔- M IP 对 分子结构部分相似的药物萘普生、 噻吗洛尔等的分子识别行为。
A synthetic receptor for Propranolol hydrochloride was prepared by a non- covalently im printed technique, using Propranolol hy drochloride as a template, methyl methacrylate ( MM A) as a functional monomer and tri- [hydr oxy methy l] - pro pan- tri- acry lic acid ( T M P) as a cro ss- linker, and m ethanol as a po rogenic so lvent. After extraction of tem plate, affinity of the polymer imprinted with Propranolo l hy dro chloride was examined in re- binding experiment. At the first time, an efficient partition coefficient ( Kc ) was adopted to evaluate re- binding property of the imprinted polymer. From the Scatchard analysis, binding site heterog eneity is obvious and two types of binding sites can be identified. The equilibrium dissociation co nstant K d1 and the apparent m ax imum amount Q max1 of the higher affinity binding sites can be calculated to be 11 37 @ 10- 5 mo l/ L, 25.72 Lmo l/ g; while K d2 and Qm ax2, of the lower affinity binding sites w ere calculated to be 91 50 @ 10- 5 mol/ L, 69.06 Lmo l/ g, respectively. M oreover, good mo lecule recogn-i tion behavio r of the imprinted po lymer toward some drugs was observed experim entally.


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作者简介: 孙贤祥 ( 1946- ) , 男 , 江苏句容市人, 教授。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-09-25