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Preparation and Characterization of Monolith with a Carbon Nanofiber Washcoat
成春春 朱 劼 胡 刚 李明时 朱建军
江苏工业学院 化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 213 164)
H EN G Chun- chun ZH U Jie H U Gang LI M ing- shi ZH U Jian- jun
School of Chemistry and Chemical Eng ineering, Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity, Changzhou 213164, China
堇青石 二氧化钛 纳米碳纤维 钯/碳催化剂
mo no lith titania carbon nanofiber Pd/ C
T Q 032 41
采用堇青石型蜂窝陶瓷 ( monolit h) 为基材, 在其表面浸涂二氧化 钛, 得到含二氧化 钛涂层的新型结 构化基材, 提高 了 基材的比表面及抗腐蚀性。 以甲烷为碳源, 在结构化基材表 面生长纳米碳纤 维 ( CN F) , 制备出 结构化复 合纳米碳 纤维催化 材 料 ( CN F/ T iO 2/ monolit h ) 。 扫描电镜 ( S EM ) 和物理吸附仪 ( BE T) 表征结果表明 , CN F 粗细均匀、 直径- 70 nm, 比表面 - 180 m2/ g。 并以 CN F/ T iO2 / monolit h 为载体负载金属钯, 制备出结构化 纳米碳纤 维负载型 催化剂 ( Pd/ CN F/ T iO2 / monolit h ) , 其催化加氢活性明显优于成型活性炭负载型 Pd 催化剂。
A novel structured catalytic material with a titaniaw ashcoat was prepared by using monolith as subs trate material. A titania was hcoat was coated on monolith by dipping titaniasol. The titania was hcoat protected the substrate material from acid corrosion and increased its specific surface area as well. N ickel particles were supported on the titania- coated structured material to decom pose methane to grow carbon nanofibers ( CN F) . T he CN F / TiO 2/ m onolith was characterized by scanning electr on mcroscopy ( SEM ) and BET . It is show n that the uniform CN F w ith diameter of around 70 nm was grown on the s ur face of the s tructured material. P d/ CN F/ TiO 2/ monolith catalysts were prepared by impregnating palladium chlor ide and their hydrogenation activities were evaluated by hydrogenation of styrene. It was shown that the hydrogenation activity of the structur ed carbon nano fiber s uppo rted catalyst w as sig nificantly higher than that of com mercial formed activation carbons upported catalyst.


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基金项目 : 江苏省高校自 然科学基础研究项目 资助 ( 07K JB 53 0024) ; 江苏省基础研究计划 ( 自 然科学 基金) 资助 项 目 ( BK 2007044) ; 江苏省高校自 然科 学重大基础研究项目 资助 ( 05 KJA 43 004) 作者简介: 成春春 ( 1981 - ) , 女, 江苏南通人, 硕士研究生; 联系人: 李明时
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-12-25