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聚乙二醇对水系介质中Al2O3 粒子的分散作用()




Effect of Polyethylene Glycol on the Dispersion of Al2O3 Particles in an Aqueous Suspension
董如林 马 丽 张 锋 陈智栋
江苏工业学院化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164
DONG Ru -lin MA Li ZHANG Feng CHEN Zhi -dong
School of Chemist ry and Chemical Engineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
聚乙二醇吸附Al2 O3 粒子分散性
po lyethy lene g ly co l adso rpt ion Al2O3 particle di sper sion
O 647.31  
高分子表面活性剂在高性能陶瓷的胶态成型技术中起着非常重要的作用。利用水系介质中Al2O3 粒子的沉降实验及扫描 电子显微镜、红外光谱等分析手段综合考察了25 ℃下聚乙二醇(PEG , 相对分子质量2 000) 对Al2O3 粒子的分散稳定效果, 同时对PEG 的吸附机理进行了分析。pH =3.0 -5.0 时, Al2O3 粒子表面吸附PEG 后, 粒子之间的作用由单纯静电效应转变为 静电-空间位阻协同效应, 其分散稳定性得到了大幅提高。pH =3.0 时, PEG 在Al2O3 粒子表面的吸附遵从Langmuir 吸附理 论, 其理论饱和吸附量为9.9 mg/ g 。Al2 O3 粒子表面PEG 吸附量为8.1 m g/ g (溶液中平衡PEG 质量浓度为8.0 g/ L) 时, 其 分散效果最佳。
High molecular type surfactant plays an important role in colloidal process of fine ceramics . Effect of Polye thylene glycol (PEG , molecular weight 2 000)on the dispe rsion o f Al2O3 pa rticles w as investig ated at 25 ℃ through sedimentatio n test of Al2O3 suspension and by scanning elect ron micropho tog raph and inf rared spect roscopy .Simul taneously , adsorption mechanism of PEG w as analy zed .A fter the Al2O3 par ticles adso rbed PEG , the inte ractio n be tw een the pa rticles changed from elect rostatic stabilization to elect rosteric stabi li zation re sulting in a g reat improvement o f the particle di spersio n at pH =3.0 -5.0 . The adsorptio n of PEG o n the Al2O3 part icle surface at pH =3.0 obeyed Langmuir adsorption iso therm and the theo re tically saturated amount of PEG adsorbed w as 9.9 mg/g .An amount o f PEG adso rbed of 8.1 mg/g (equilibrium concent ration of PEG in the solutio n w as 8.0 g/L)w as optimum fo r the particle dispersion .


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基金项目:江苏工业学院科研启动基金资助项目(ZMF04020106) 作者简介:董如林(1967 -), 男, 江苏 常州 人, 研究员, 工学博士, 研究方向:无机功能材料及复合材料。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-03-25