 ZHANG Zhen -qian,WU Hai -yin.Study of the Copolymerization of Styrene and Dodecafluoroheptyl Methacrylate[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2009,(03):6-8.

苯乙烯/甲基丙烯酸十二氟庚酯的共聚反应 ()




Study of the Copolymerization of Styrene and Dodecafluoroheptyl Methacrylate
张震乾 吴海银
江苏工业学院材料科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164
ZHANG Zhen -qian WU Hai -yin
School of Materials Science and Engineering , Jiangsu Poly technic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
竞聚率玻璃化温度含氟共聚物苯乙烯甲基丙烯酸十二氟庚酯 中
react ivity ratio g lass t ransi tion temperature f luorine -containing copolymer sty rene dodecafluo ro hepty l me thacry late
TQ 316.342
在85 ℃条件下, 用过氧化苯甲酰为引发剂, 在溶液中进行了苯乙烯(S t) 和甲基丙烯酸十二氟庚酯(G04) 共聚合反应 的研究, 合成出不同组成的无规共聚物(PS F)。采用1H NMR 对PS F 的组分进行分析, 通过Fineman -Ross 方程, 在低转化 率下(小于10 %) 测出S t (M 1) 和G04 (M 2) 的竞聚率, 得到r 1 =0.17 , r2 =0.84 。不同组成的PSF 的玻璃化转变温度(tg) 都比无规PS 的tg 低, 且随着G04 含量的增大, PS F 的t g 逐渐降低, 当n (St) ∶n (G04) =0.291 ∶1 时, PS F 的t g 为 60.4 ℃。
Sty rene (St) and dodecaf luo roheptyl me thacry late (G04)w ere copolymerized in solutio n at 85 ℃, using benzoy l pe ro xide (BPO)as initiato r .The random copolymer (PSF)of dif ferent co nsti tuent w as o btained .1H NMR w as used to analy ze the consti tuent s of PSF , and Fineman -Ro ss equation w as used for calculating monomer reactivi ty ratio s .From relevant feed monomer composi tion and copolymer compo sitio n , mo nomer reactivity ra tios r1 =0.17 (S t), r2 =0.84 (G04)were obtained .The glass t ransition temperature (tg )o f PSF decreased compared wi th that o f atactic po ly sty rene .With an increase o f the content o f G04 , t g of PSF decreases g radually , and w hen n (St) ∶n (G04) =0.291 ∶1 , the tg o f PSF is 60.4 ℃。


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作者简介:张震乾(1973 -), 男, 江苏江阴人, 副教授, 主要从事聚合反应工程研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-09-25