[1]孟? 启,安正委,席海涛,等.单乙酸甘油酯的合成[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2009,(03):9-11.
 MENG Qi,AN Zheng- w ei,XI Hai- tao,et al.Study of Synthesis of Monacetin[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2009,(03):9-11.





Study of Synthesis of Monacetin
孟? 启 安正委 席海涛 姜?? 艳 孙小强
江苏工业学院江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室, 江苏 常州 213164
MENG Qi AN Zheng- w ei XI Hai- tao JIANG Yan SUN Xiao- qiang
Jiang su Key Labor atory o f Fine Pet rochemical Eng ineering, Jiangsu Polytechnic U niv ersity, Chang zhou 213164, China
单乙酸甘油酯 合成 高锰酸钾
monacet in sy nthesis potassium permanganate
O 623. 624 ??
烯丙醇和乙酸反应制得了乙酸烯丙酯, 然后滴加高锰酸钾溶液氧化合成了单乙酸甘油酯。探讨了温度、物料配比及反应 时间对单乙酸甘油酯收率的影响。结果表明, 在0 ?? , n ( 乙酸烯丙酯) ?? n ( 高锰酸钾) ?? n ( 硫酸镁) = 1 ?? 1 ?? 1 条件下, 滴 加完毕后恒温反应20 h , 收率可达46?? 6%。
Ally l acetate w as prepared by react io n of allyl alcohol with acet ic acid. Then it was ox idized by potassium permanganate so lut ion with dro pw ise addit ion to give mo nacet in. The ef fect o f temperature, the ratio of r eactants and oxidat ion react io n t ime on yield of monacetin w ere studied. T he result s show that the yield of monacet in can reach 46.6% at 0 ?? , the molar rat io o f Ally l acetate ?? po tassium permanganate ?? magnesium sulfate= 1 ??1 ??1 and the ox idat io n reaction for 20 h after dropwise addition.


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作者简介: 孟启( 1965- ) , 男, 安徽芜湖人, 教授, 博士, 主要从事有机合成的研究; 联系人: 孙小强。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-09-25