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Study of the Resonant Mode Properties of a 1 -D Photonic Crystal Microcavity
陈婷婷 徐 雷 夏 冬 马 骥 陈宪锋
江苏工业学院数理学院, 江苏 常州 213164
CHEN Ting -ting XU Lei XIA Dong MA Ji CHEN Xian -feng
School of Phy sics and Mathematics , Jiang su Poly technic Universi ty , Changzho u 213164 , China
photonic crystal transfer matrix polarization quality factor
O 431.2  
基于麦克斯韦的电磁场理论, 利用传输矩阵法研究了光子晶体微腔的透射特性, 并由此得到腔模随入射角的变化规律。 研究表明随入射角的增大, T E 、TM 模的腔模均向高频方向移动, 移动规律近乎一致;但是TE 腔模的线宽逐渐减小, 而TM 腔模的线宽则逐渐增大。研究了不同偏振的腔模在光子晶体中的电场分布, 随着入射角的增大, TE 腔模在微腔中的电场振幅 逐渐增大, 而TM 腔模则逐渐减小。
Based o n Maxw ell′s elect romagnetic theories , the propag ating characteristics of the photonic cry stal microcavity are studied by the method o f transfe r mat rix , then the relation of resonant mode and incident ang le is deduced .It is found the resonant modes of T E and TM polarization shif t in the direct ion of hig h f requency almo st at the same speed , and the line w idth of TE po lari zation diminishes w ith incident ang le increasing , but the line width of TM polarizatio n is reverse .The electric f ield spatial dist ributio n of different polarized reso nant modes is also discussed .If the incident ang le increases , the elect ric -f ield amplitude o f TE resonant mode in the microcavity increases , yet that of TM one diminishes .


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基金项目:江苏省高校自然科学基础研究基金资助(07KJD140036);江苏工业学院科技计划项目资助(JS200802) 作者简介:陈婷婷(1985 -), 女, 安徽阜阳人, 硕士生;通讯联系人:陈宪锋。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-12-25