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Study of Pervaporation Separation of Heavy Naphtha in the Removal of Micro Water
徐淑玲 马江权 郭 楠 侯永涛 许守勇
江苏工业学院江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室, 江苏 常州 213164
XU Shu -ling MA Jiang -quan GUO N an HO U Yong -tao XU Shou -y ong
Jiang su Key Labo rato ry o f Fine Pet rochemical Engineering , Jiangsu Poly technic Unive rsity , Chang zhou 213164 , China
pervaporation dehydratio n permeation f lux heavy naphtha
TQ 028  
重石脑油作为芳烃重整装置的原料, 要求油品中水分含量低于20 μg/ g , 以保证脱硫剂的使用寿命, 进一步避免装置催 化剂铂的中毒。建立了年处理量为8 000 kg 的渗透汽化装置对重石脑油的深度脱水进行研究, 通过考察操作温度θ、进料质量 分数ρw 、操作流量qv 和透过侧压力p 来确定合适的工艺条件。实验表明80 ℃、500 L/ h 、1.5 kPa 下采用恒温加热的方式, 达 到了渗透通量J w =0.34 g/ (m2 · h) 的最好分离效果。通过数据拟合确定了J w 和ρw 、θ、p 关系的经验公式, 并且推出了J w 计算的总公式, 实验结果为106 kg 级渗透汽化重石脑油脱水的中试设计提供了基础数据。
Heavy naphtha is the raw material o f the aromatic gy drocarbon Refining Device , w hile the w ater co ntent in heavy naphtha requi red to be less than 20 μg/g , in order to guarantee the life span o f desulfurizatio n agent , to avoid further poisoning the platinum cataly st .Pervapo ratio n separation of heavy naphtha in the remov al of micro w ater w as conducted by the establishment o f the 8 -ton small pilo t plant .The ef fect s o f operat ion temperature (θ), w ater consistence (ρw ), feed f low rate (qv), and pressure (p)on the dehydratio n proper ties w ere investigated .The ex perimental resul ts indicated that the membrane had J w of 0.34 g/ (m2 /h), at 80 ℃, 500 L/h of flow rate , 1.5 kPa pressure o f dow nst ream and the co nstant temperature o f the heating mode for dehydratio n o f heav y naphtha system , w hich is the best separation ef fect .Fi tt ing data to determine the empirical fo rmula of J w with θ, ρw , p , the paper introduced the calculation of the total fo rmula J w .The result s provide the basic data for the further design of the kiloton pervaporation dehydration naphtha


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基金项目:中国石油化工扬子石油化工股份有限公司资助项目(07GKJ026);欧盟国际合作项目资助(EC Project BD Asia Pro Eco/ 07/ 96638) 作者简介:徐淑玲(1970 -), 女, 山东汶上人, 硕士, 助理研究员。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-12-25