[1]韩权威,孙玉芳,李 坤,等.钡铪共掺杂钛酸铋钠压电陶瓷制备及铁电性分析[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2010,(04):6-10.
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Preparation and Ferroelectric Properties Analysis of Ba and Hf Doped Bismuth Sodium Titanate Ceramics
韩权威1 孙玉芳1 李 坤1 陈王丽华2
1.常州大学材料科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164; 2.香港理工大学应用物理系及材料研究中心, 香港, 九龙
HAN Quan- w ei1 SUN Yu- fang1 LI Kun1 CHAN WANG Helen- lai2
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering , Chang zhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2. Department of Applied Physics and Materials Research Cent re, Ho ng Kong Poly technic U niversity , Hung Hom, Kow loo n Kong, H ong Ko ng .
钛酸铋钠 无铅压电陶瓷 压电性 铁电性
( Na01 5Bi01 5 ) T iO3 lead- f ree piezoelect ric ceramics piezoelect ricity fer roelect ricity
T Q 1741 75
采用溶胶- 凝胶制备工艺制备了( Na015 Bi015 ) 0.935 Ba01065 ( Ti 1- x H fx ) O3 ( x= 0.002、0.005、0.01、0.02) 无铅压电陶 瓷。研究了陶瓷的铁电、压电性能和显微结构。结果表明, 随着铪掺杂量的增加, 陶瓷晶相转变为4 方相, 电滞回线发生畸 变。对电滞回线的拟合分析表明, 有两种铁电畴存在, 随温度的升高, 电滞回线呈现部分类似于反铁电的特征。该陶瓷体系在 x= 0.005 时, 其压电应变常数, 径向机电耦合系数, 厚度耦合系数, 介电常数, 介电损耗分别为210 pC/ N, 0.252, 0.446, 1 293, 0.055。
Lead- f ree ( Na01 5 Bi01 5 ) 01 935 Ba01 065 ( T i1- x Hfx ) O3 ( x = 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02) ceramics w ere fabricated via a sol- gel method. T he fer roelect ric, piezoelect ric proper ties and micro st ructure of the ceramics w ere invest igated. It w as found that incr easing Hf do pants w ould result in a tetr ag onal crystalline phase and the hysteresis loop w as distor ted. T he simulat ion of the loop at dif ferent temperature hint s that tw o species of domains may be ex isted. Analog ous ant i- fer roelect ric char acter part ially appeared in the loop as the temperature increased. For the ceramics w ith x = 01 005, the piezoelect ric constant d 33 , planar electr omechanical co ef f icient k p , thickness electr omechanical coef ficient k t , dielect ric permit t ivity Er , dielectr ic lo ss tanDare 210, 0.252, 0.446, 1 293 and 0.055, respectiv ely .


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作者简介: 韩权威( 1983- ) , 男, 河南郑州人, 硕士研究生; 通讯联系人: 李坤。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-12-25