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GMA Modified Nano-Silica and Research of Toughening Epoxy Resin
张雨哲卞婷婷张 奕郑旭东李忠玉
(常州大学 环境与安全工程学院,江苏 常州 213164)
ZHANG Yuzhe BIAN Tingting ZHANG Yi ZHENG Xudong LI Zhongyu
(School of Environmental & Safety Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
环氧树脂 纳米二氧化硅 甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯 固化 增韧改性 接枝改性
epoxy resin nano-silica glycidyl methacrylate curing toughening modification graft modification
通过实验研究了环氧树脂与酸酐配方比例对固化后环氧树脂性能的影响,发现环氧树脂与酸酐在质量比为9:6的比例下,固化后环氧树脂的冲击性能最强,为12.79 kJ·m-2。在此基础上,进一步研究了添加无机材料气相法纳米SiO2对固化后环氧树脂性能的影响,通过对不同比例的SiO2对环氧树脂性能的影响进行研究讨论后发现,利用3%的未改性SiO2可以对环氧树脂的冲击性能形成很大的改善,抗冲击强度较之前9:6的质量比提升了20.8%。最后,研究了添加改性SiO2对环氧树脂的性能的影响。用3 g硅烷偶联剂和10 g GMA与10 g SiO2发生接枝反应,发现改性后的SiO2对环氧树脂的改性效果更好,其性能较添加未改性SiO2的环氧树脂冲击性能提升了28.7%。
The effect of the ratio of epoxy resin to anhydride on the properties of cured epoxy resin was studied experimentally. It was found that the impact strength of cured epoxy resin could reach its best, which was 12.79 kJ·m-2 at the ratio of 9.6. On this basis, the effect of inorganic material of SiO2 on the cured epoxy resin was further studied, the influence of different proportions of SiO2 affecting the performance of epoxy were studied and discussed. The results found that if 3% of SiO2 was used, it could have a great impact on the properties of epoxy resin. Compared with the former formula, its impact strength increased by 20.8%. Finally, the effect of modified SiO2 on the properties of epoxy resin was studied. It was found that the modified epoxy resin had better modification effect when 3 g of silane coupling agent and 10 g of GMA were used to graft with 10 g of SiO2. Compared with the epoxy resin with unmodified SiO2, the impact property of the modified epoxy resin was improved by 28.7%.


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作者简介:张雨哲(1989-),男,江苏常州人,博士,讲师。通信联系人:李忠玉(1970—),E-mail: zhongyuli@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-03-30