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Isolation, Identification and Biodegradation Characteristics of a Novel Erythromycin-Degrading Bacteria
任建军1樊 博2袁钰龙2葛峻宏2李春雨1牛东泽1张 晋3沈云鹏4
1. 常州大学 生物质高效炼制及高质化利用国家地方联合工程研究中心,江苏 常州 213164; 2. 常州大学 药学院,江苏 常州 213164; 3. 河北慈心环保科技有限公司,河北 廊坊 065600; 4. 伊犁川宁生物科技有限公司,新疆 伊犁 710699
REN Jianjun1 FAN Bo2 YUAN Yulong2 GE Junhong2 LI Chunyu1 NIU Dongze1 ZHANG Jin3 SHEN Yunpeng4
1. National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Biomass Refining and High-Quality Utilization, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2. School of Pharmacy, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 3. Hebei Cixin Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Langfang 065600,China; 4. Yili Chuanning Biothechnology Co., Ltd., Yili 710699, China
罗红霉素 生物降解 分离鉴定 假单胞菌
erythromycin biodegradation screening Pseudomonas aeruginosa
X 172
以罗红霉素作为唯一碳源从罗红霉素污染的土壤中分离出1株具有高效降解罗红霉素能力的菌株,命名为RJJ-3。根据菌落形态学特征及其16S rRNA序列进行聚类分析并构建系统发育树对菌株进行种属鉴定; 利用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测RJJ-3对罗红霉素降解的降解效率; 然后对RJJ-3的降解条件进行优化。结果表明:本研究筛选到的罗红霉素降解菌RJJ-3,经分子鉴定其与GenBank中Pseudomonas aeruginosa CM3相似度为99.85%,因此命名该菌为P. aeruginosa RJJ-3; 菌株RJJ-3对罗红霉素降解最优条件为:pH 为7.0、温度30 ℃、转速200 r/min、接种量1.5%; 在100 mg/L罗红霉素培养基中添加葡萄糖作为共代谢碳源,以不加葡萄糖作为对照,避光培养4 d后,罗红霉素的降解率分别为100%和95.54%。以上研究结果表明菌株RJJ-3在罗红霉素污染环境的生物修复方面具有良好的应用前景。
This study aims to screen effective bacteria for remediation of erythroycin contaminated environment. By using enrichment culture and spread plate method and based on the degradation ability, a strain named RJJ-3 was selected for further study cultured in nutrition broth with erythromycin as solo carbon sources. The strains RJJ-3 were identified on the basis of morphological and 16S rRNA sequence phylogenetic analyses. The degradation charactors of the strains were also investigated under different conditions. The results showed that strain RJJ-3 colony produced on common agar plate appeared as round, yellowish, sticky, opaque, moist and smooth. 16S rRNA sequence of strain RJJ-3 had high identity of 99.85% with Pseudomonas aeruginosa CM3((Accession number: MN647070.1). Combined with the results of the traditional morphological characteristics and 16S rRNA sequence analysis, strain RJJ-3 was identified as P. aeruginosa RJJ-3(Accession number: MN759463.1). Moreover, the optimal conditions for erythromycin degradation by strain RJJ-3 were pH 7.0, a temperature of 30 ℃, a shaking speed of 200 r/min and the inoculation dosage of 1.5%. Glucose as co-metabolites carbon source was investigated in this study. It was found that the glucose could enhance the degradatin rate of erythromycin. This study indicates that the strains RJJ-3 have potential utility as agents for the bioremediation of erythromycin contaminated environment.


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基金项目:伊犁川宁生物技术有限公司资助项目(2019K1238, 2019K1237); 河北慈心环保科技有限公司资助项目(2018K0948); 西安新天地草业股份有限公司资助项目(2018K0947)。
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01