 JI Guojian,ZHU Zhiwei,LI Peiying,et al.Simulation of Evolution Characteristics of Supercooled Nucleate Boiling Bubble on High Temperature Curved Surface[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2021,33(01):48-56.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2021.01.008]





Simulation of Evolution Characteristics of Supercooled Nucleate Boiling Bubble on High Temperature Curved Surface
(1. 常州大学 石油工程学院, 江苏 常州213164; 2. 江苏省绿色过程装备重点实验室(常州大学), 江苏 常州213164)
JI Guojian12 ZHU Zhiwei1LI Peiying1 GUO Jingjing1 ZHOU Ning1 WANG Zhengwei1
(1. School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Green Process Equipment,Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
高温曲面 过冷核态沸腾 汽泡 汽液两相流 相变 传热
high temperature curved surface supercooled nucleate boiling bubble gas-liquid flow phase change heat transfer
TK 124
基于OpenFOAM6.0软件编译了NewInterPhaseChangeFoam(NIPCF)求解器, 采用有限体积法VOF(Volume of Fluid)数值计算高温曲面发生过冷核态沸腾时水中汽泡的运动过程。结果表明:上朝向曲面核化的汽泡的演化行为与平面上相似; 侧朝向曲面核化的汽泡在上下压差的作用下呈扁椭圆形滑移, 最终以不规则梨形脱离壁面; 浮升力对下朝向曲面核化的汽泡的脱离行为起抑制作用; 孤立汽泡区的两汽泡在浮升过程中相互靠近时, 其中一个汽泡会出现短暂加速现象; 气柱汽块区汽块在浮升过程中形成的汽液混合区的演化行为与区域内单相占比有关; 若区域内汽相占比较低, 以汽相冷凝为主, 反之, 以液相蒸发为主。
The NewInterPhaseChangeFoam(NIPCF)solver was based on OpenFOAM6.0 software. The Volume of Fluid Method(VOF)was used to calculate the motion of bubbles in water during the supercooled nucleate boiling on high-temperature surfaces. The results show that the evolution of the bubble nucleation on the surface is similar to that on the plane. The bubble nucleation on the side toward the surface is flat and elliptical under the action of the upper and lower pressure difference, and the departure shape of the bubble is in irregular pear-shape. The buoyancy force inhibits the detachment behavior of vapor bubbles nucleated downward. When the two bubbles in the isolated bubble region approach with each other during the lifting process, one of the bubbles will briefly accelerate. For the gas column block steam, the evolution behavior of the vapor-liquid mixing zone formed during the lifting process is related to the ratio of vapor to liquid in the region. If the vapor phase in the region is relatively low, the vapor phase condensation is dominant. On the contrary, when the vapor phase is high relatively, the liquid phase evaporation is dominant.


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基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0805101); 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(SJCX180966)。
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-01-20