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Improvement of Enzymatic Saccharification Efficiency of Corn Stover by a Sodium Phosphate and Oxygen Combined Pretreatment
徐 忠1 宁艳春2 严生虎1 岳 军2 张 跃1 徐友海2 王利群1 卿 青1
(1. 常州大学 药学院, 江苏 常州 213164; 2. 中国石油公司吉林石化研究院, 吉林 吉林 132021)
XU Zhong1 NING Yanchun2 YAN Shenghu1 YUE Jun2 ZHANG Yue1 XU Youhai2 WANG Liqun1 QING Qing1
(1. School of Pharmacy, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2. PetroChina Jilin PetroChemical Company Research Institute, Jilin 132021, China )
预处理 玉米秸秆 磷酸钠 氧气 响应面法
pretreatment corn stover sodium phosphate oxygen response surface method
S 216.2
以高效的预处理方法打开木质纤维素结构, 促进纤维素在酶水解过程中的酶解糖化效率是高效制备生物质乙醇的关键。以磷酸钠溶液作为预处理试剂结合氧气在高温高压条件下对玉米秸秆进行预处理, 并通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)与傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)对预处理前后玉米秸秆的形貌和化学态进行了分析。采用响应面法考察了磷酸钠的质量分数、 氧气压力、 反应温度和预处理时间对于还原糖得率的影响, 对反应体系进行了优化, 并建立二次回归模型并进行验证。结果表明在最佳预处理条件为磷酸钠质量分数7.6%、 氧气压力0.76 MPa、 反应温度140 ℃和处理时间37 min时, 得到玉米秸秆酶水解的还原糖得率最高为90.9%, 葡萄糖得率为61.0%。该预处理方法具有较强的脱除木质素能力, 能够有效提高酶水解过程中还原糖得率。
Opening the lignocellulose structure by an efficient pretreatment method to enhance the enzymatic digestibility of pretreated biomass is essential to highly efficient production of bioethanol. Corn stover was pretreated by sodium phosphate with the combined effect of oxygen as an oxidant under high temperature and high pressure. The morphology and chemical state of corn stover before and after pretreatment were analyzed by SEM and FT-IR. The impacts of the sodium phosphate concentration(w/v), the oxygen pressure, the reaction temperature and the pretreatment time on the reducing sugar yields were investigated by the response surface method. A quadratic regression model was established and verified to optimize the reaction system. The optimum pretreatment conditions were found to be 7.6% Na3PO4 concentration, under the oxygen pressure of 0.76 MPa, and reacted at 140 ℃ for 37 min. The optimized reducing sugar yield was 90.9% and the glucose yield was 61.0%. This method had a strong ability to remove lignin, which could effectively improve the yield of reducing sugar in the process of enzymatic hydrolysis.


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基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金面上资助项目(BK20181465); 中国石油股份有限公司资助项目(2017A-4807)。
作者简介:徐忠(1995—), 男, 江苏盐城人, 硕士生。通信联系人: 卿青(1982—), E-mail: qqing@cczu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01