 PAN Xuming,DING Miao,XU Xuan,et al.Study on the Ways and Times Distribution of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses from Paddy Field[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2022,34(04):35-42.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2022.04.005]





Study on the Ways and Times Distribution of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses from Paddy Field
PAN Xuming1 DING Miao1 XU Xuan2 LIU Yuankang1 LIU Jianguo1
(1.School of Environmental & Safety Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2.Changzhou Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Changzhou 213000, China)
水稻 流失 地表径流
rice nitrogen phosphorus loss surface runoff
X 52
农田氮、磷流失是造成水体富营养化的主要污染源。为测算水稻生产过程中氮、磷随地表径流的流失量并探索流失规律,在常州市水稻主产区设立稻田定位监测点,对稻田的水分输入、输出量及氮、磷含量进行了监测。结果表明,稻田通过降雨和灌溉水输入的氮、磷分别为2.663 8,0.154 3 g/m2,通过径流水、排水和径流水泥沙流失的氮、磷分别为4.732 5,0.342 5 g/m2。氮、磷流失量扣除输入量,试验期间稻田氮、磷表观净排放量分别为2.068 7,0.188 2 g/m2。在氮、磷流失方式的分布方面,以排水方式流失的氮占总流失量的80%以上、流失的磷占总流失量的70%以上。在氮、磷流失时间的分布方面,7月流失的氮、磷占总流失量的60%左右,6月流失的氮、磷占比也达20%以上。该结果说明,要降低稻田的氮、磷流失量,最有效的方法是减少排水量,特别是在7月。
Losses of nitrogen and phosphorus from farmland are the main sources of eutrophication pollutants. In order to calculate the quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus losses via surface runoff during a rice production cycle and investigate the rules, a paddy field in-situ monitoring site was established in the main rice production area of Changzhou, China. The import and loss of water, nitrogen and phosphorus in the paddy field had been monitored. The results showed that the imports of nitrogen and phosphorus via rainfall and irrigation were 2.663 8 g/m2 and 0.154 3 g/m2 respectively in the paddy field during the experimental period. The losses of nitrogen and phosphorus via runoff water, drainage water and runoff sediment were 4.732 5 g/m2 and 0.342 5 g/m2 respectively. So the net exports of nitrogen and phosphorus from the paddy field(deduction of nitrogen and phosphorus imports from the losses)were 2.068 7 g/m2 and 0.188 2 g/m2 respectively. With regard to the ways of nitrogen and phosphorus losses, the quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus losses via drainage water accounted for more than 80% and 70% of total nitrogen and phosphorus losses respectively. On the time of nitrogen and phosphorus losses, the quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus losses in July accounted for about 60% of total nitrogen and phosphorus losses. The losses of nitrogen and phosphorus in June accounted for more than 20% of total nitrogen and phosphorus losses. The results indicate that reducing drainage water of paddy field is the most effective measure to cut down the losses of nitrogen and phosphorus from paddy field, especially in July.


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收稿日期: 2022-02-08。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31071350); 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划资助项目(SJCX21_1267,SJCX21_1195)。
作者简介: 潘旭鸣(1997—), 男, 江苏常州人, 硕士生。通信联系人: 刘建国(1963—), E-mail: liujianguo@cczu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01