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The Research Development of Porphyr ins and Metalloporphyr ins
黄 丹 田 澍
南通师范学院化学系, 江苏 南通 226007
Department of Chemistry , Nantong Teachers College , Nantong 226007 , China
porphyrins metalloporphy rins review
O 625.23
评述了卟啉及金属卟啉化合物在合成及应用方面的研究进展, 并简要介绍了卟啉及金属卟啉化合物的结构、性质。对卟 啉及金属卟啉化合物在诸多领域内的应用作了展望。
The research development of porphyrins and metallopo rphyrins was reviewed in this paper .The structure , properties , synthesis and applications of them were summarized .The applicat ion of porphyrins and metallopo rphyrins were put forword .


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基金项目:江苏省教育厅自然科学(指导性) 计划项目资助(01KJD1) 作者简介:黄丹(1957 -), 女, 江苏张家港人, 副教授, 博士生, 从事金属有机化合物的合成和应用研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2003-09-25