[1]陈爱莲,李霞章,陈?? 杨.纳米CeO2 粉体的制备及应用[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2006,(02):10-14.
 CHEN Ai- lian,LI Xia- zhang,CHEN Yang.Preparation and Application of Nanometer CeO2 Powder[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2006,(02):10-14.

纳米CeO2 粉体的制备及应用()




Preparation and Application of Nanometer CeO2 Powder
陈爱莲1 李霞章2 陈?? 杨1
1.江苏工业学院机械工程系, 江苏 常州 213016; 2.江苏大学材料学院, 江苏镇江212013
CHEN Ai- lian1 LI Xia- zhang2 CHEN Yang1
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity, Changzhou 213016, China; 2. School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
纳米CeO2 制备 应用
nano- size CeO2 preparat ion method applicat ion
TG 146
对近年来国内外涌现的各种制备纳米C eO2 的方法进行了较为详细的评述。重点介绍了纳米CeO2 在超精密抛光、汽车尾 气净化催化、固体氧化物燃料电池等高科技领域中的应用状况, 指出今后研究的方向是纳米CeO2 粉体制备过程中的颗粒大小 与形貌的控制及其分散性的改善, 粉体形核与生长过程中的动态观测与机理研究, 以及研究成果的工业化规模生产与应用。
Various preparat ion methods of nano- sized CeO2 developed in recent years were summarized; the advantages and draw backs of each method were discussed. The applications of CeO2 nanopart icles in the hightech domains such as abrasive for ultra- precision polishing, catalytic supports for automobile and electrode materials for solid oxide fuel cells were reviewed. Future research direction of CeO2, should be part icularly in improving powder characteristic, studying the mechanism of nucleation and growth by dynamic observation, and accelerating the applicat ion of nano- size CeO2 products to industry.


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基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目( BK2002010) ; 江苏省高技术项目( BG2004022) 作者简介: 陈爱莲( 1975- ) , 女, 安徽舒城人, 讲师。
更新日期/Last Update: 2006-06-25