[1]王 岚,杜 郢.生物吸附剂及其应用[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2006,(03):61-64.
 WANG Lan,DU Ying.Biosorbent and Its Applications[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2006,(03):61-64.





Biosorbent and Its Applications
王 岚 杜 郢
江苏工业学院化学工程系, 江苏 常州 213164
WANG Lan DU Ying
Department of Chemical Engineering , J iangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
生物吸附剂 废水处理 有机污染物 重金属 回收
biosorbent wastewater t reatment organic pollutant heavy metal recovery
X 703 ; TQ 028.8 ; O 647.3
使用具有选择性吸附作用的微生物或动植物碎片等生物吸附剂, 可以达到脱除重金属离子、难降解或有毒有机物等污染 物的目的。此外在采矿和处理含贵金属的废水过程中, 也可以使用生物吸附剂来富集回收贵金属。介绍了生物吸附剂的来源、 种类、制备和生物吸附的工艺, 同时分析总结了生物吸附剂的应用领域及其经济可行性, 并提出了今后尚须深入研究的问题。
Biosorbents , such as microorganisms or biomaterials , are capable of uptake of heavy metal ions , nondegradable or hazardous organic compounds in water solution , which can remove pollutants f rom wastewater or other solutions. In addition , biosorbents can be used in the process of mining and wastewater treatment for precious metal recovery. This review reports the research activities and developing trend of biosorbents ; examines the principle of biosorption and various biosorbents ; discusses the pret reatment method and immobilization technology of biosorbents. The application areas about it were summarized , and it has advised to the research in the future.


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作者简介: 王岚(1976 - ) , 女, 江苏无锡人, 硕士, 主要从事有机合成与分离提纯研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2006-09-25