 WANG Ye - hui,NI Zhong - wen,SHI Du - fang.Study of the Band Gap and Polarization Properties of 1D Photonic Crystal with a Quasi - Periodic Structrue[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2006,(04):5-7.





Study of the Band Gap and Polarization Properties of 1D Photonic Crystal with a Quasi - Periodic Structrue
王叶荟 倪重文 是度芳
江苏工业学院信息科学系, 江苏 常州 213164
WANG Ye - hui NI Zhong - wen SHI Du - fang
Department of Information Science , J iangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
量子光学 光子晶体 带隙 准周期结构 偏振特性
quantum optics photonic crystal band gap quasiperiodic st ructure polarization property
O 437  
提出了折射率分别递增或递减的准周期结构一维光子晶体, 研究了其带隙结构和偏振特性。研究表明, 光子带隙的大小 与两种介质的折射率比有关, 随折射率比的增大而展宽。TE 模和TM 模的偏振特性不同, 随入射角的增大, 虽然TE 和TM 模 的带隙中心都向短波方向移动, 但TE 模的禁带展宽而TM 模的禁带变窄。不论入射角多大, 当各层介质的折射率递增时光子 带隙向长波方向移动, 而当折射率递减时光子带隙则向短波方向移动。
The band gap and polarization properties in quasi- periodic 1D photonic crystal with ref raction index gradually increasing or decreasing was studied. It was demonst rated that the photonic band gap depended on the rate of ref raction index , the width of band gap increased when the rate increased. If the incident angle increased , the transmission spect ra of TE mode and TM mode would be separated , the center of their band gap shifted to the short - wave direction , but the width of TE band gap increased while that of TM band gap decreased. No matter what incident angle , both TE and TM band gaps shifted to the long - wave direction with the ref raction index gradually increased , contrarily they shifted to the short - wave direction with the ref raction index gradually decreasing.


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作者简介: 王叶荟(1966 - ) , 女, 江苏 常州 人, 实验师, 主要从事物理实验和光子晶体研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2006-12-25