[1]陈?? 勇,周国平,梁?? 俊,等.PT C 法合成杂环羧酸类1- O- 芳酰基- 2, 3, 4, 6- 四- O- 乙酰基- ?β- D- 吡喃己糖化合物的研究[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2007,(01):9-13.
 CHEN Yong,ZHOU Guo- ping,LIANG Jun,et al.Study of Synthesis of 1- O- Aroyl- 2, 3, 4, 6- tetra- O- acetyl- β?- D- glucopyranoses of Heterocyclic Carboxylic Acids by PTCMethod[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2007,(01):9-13.

PT C 法合成杂环羧酸类1- O- 芳酰基- 2, 3, 4, 6- 四- O- 乙酰基- ?β- D- 吡喃己糖化合物的研究()




Study of Synthesis of 1- O- Aroyl- 2, 3, 4, 6- tetra- O- acetyl- β?- D- glucopyranoses of Heterocyclic Carboxylic Acids by PTCMethod
陈?? 勇1 周国平1 梁?? 俊2 马燕东2
1??江苏工业学院化学工程系, 江苏 常州 213164
CHEN Yong1 ZHOU Guo- ping1 LIANG Jun2 MA Yan- dong2
1. Department of Chemical Engineering , Jiangsu Poly technic Univer sity, Chang zhou 213164, China
相转移催化法 1- O- 芳酰基- 2 3 4 6- 四- O- 乙酰基- ??- D- 吡喃己糖 杂环羧酸 糖苷键
phase- t ransfer catalyt ic metho d 1- O- A royl- 2 3 4 6- tet ra- O- acetyl- ??- D- glucopyr anose heterocy clic car box ylic acid g lucosidic bond
O 626 ??
以十六烷基三甲基溴化铵作为相转移催化剂, 用2, 3, 4, 6- 四- O- 乙酰基- ??- D- 溴代吡喃葡萄糖与杂环羧酸反应, 合成了相应的1- O- 芳酰基- 2, 3, 4, 6- 四- O- 乙酰基- ??- D- 吡喃己糖。初步结果显示当碳酸钾与杂环羧酸物质的量比为 2?? 0 ?? 1 时, 反应温度为50 ?? 时, 反应时间为5 h 时, 收率较好。另外通过解析这些化合物IR、1H NMR 确证了这些1- O- 芳 酰基- 2, 3, 4, 6- 四- O- 乙酰基- ??- D- 吡喃己糖化合物的结构, 确证其糖苷键构型均为??型异构。该相转移催化法具有反应 条件温和, 后处理简单和立体选择性强等优点。
Seven 1- O- Aro yl- 2,3,4,6- tet ra- O- acety l- β- D- g lucopy rano ses o f heter ocy clic carboxy licacids ere synthesized by reaction of 2,3,4, 6- tet ra- O - acetyl- β- D- glucopyranosyl bromide with corresponding heterocyclic carbox ylicacid using cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide as a phase- transfer catalyst . The preliminary r esults showed that when the molar ratio of potassium carbonate to heter ocyclic carbox ylic acid was 2?? 0 ?? 1, the reaction temperature was 50 ℃?? and reaction time was 5 h, the yield was good. In the IR spect ra of these products, the absorption of bending vibration of C1- H bond in glycosyl- ring appears at about 910 cm- 1 . In the 1HNMR spectr a of the product s, the chemical shif t o f C1- H in g lyco sy l- ring appears at downfield, the co upling constant J 1- 2= 7.0- 7.5. The IR, 1 HNMR spect ra comfirmed their ??- anomer configuration. The method has advantag es of mild reaction conditions, easy separation and high stereospecif icity of the products.


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作者简介: 陈勇( 1971- ) , 男, 江苏 常州 人, 硕士, 讲师; 2- 分别为本院材料系2001 届, 化工系2002 届毕业生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2007-03-25