 L IU Jian - guo,L I Guang - hui,S HAO Wan - chen,et al.Variations among Wetland Plant Species in Copper Uptake and the Rules[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(01):51-54.





Variations among Wetland Plant Species in Copper Uptake and the Rules
刘建国 1 李光辉1 邵婉晨1 徐加宽 2
11 江苏工业学院 环境与安全工程学院 , 江苏 常州 21 31 64 ; 21 常州市农林局 , 江苏 常州 21 3001
L IU Jian - guo 1 L I Guang - hui1 S HAO Wan - chen1 XU Jia - kuan
1 . School of Enviro nmental and Safety Engineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity , Changzho u 21 31 64 , China ; 2. Changzho u Agricult ural and Fo restry B ureau , Changzho u 21 3001 , China
废水 湿地植物 吸收 规律
Copper (Cu) wastewater wetland plant up take rule
X 7031 1
为探索不同种类湿地植物在铜污染废水中对铜吸收能力的差异 , 在人工湿地池中 对 1 0 种湿地植物的吸铜能力及其规律 性进行了 研究 。 结果表明 , 不同种类湿地植物间植株铜浓度相差 2 倍 , 而植株铜积累 量相差 41 倍 , 其原因 是不同 湿地植物间 植株生物量 (干重) 相差 511 8 倍 。 相关性分析表明 , 不同种类湿地植物的铜积累 量与植株铜浓度无明 显关系 , 而与植株生物 量的相关性达极显著水平 ( P < 01 01 ) 。 该结果说明 , 在铜污染废水处理的湿地工程技术中 , 选择适宜的湿地植物种类对处理效 果有很大影响 。 而在选择对铜积累能力强的湿地植物时 , 首要选择指标是植株的生物量 , 其次是植株铜浓度 。 本研究还筛选出 了 4 个对废水中铜吸收积累能力强的湿地植物 。
In order to investigate the differences among wetland plant species in the up take of copper (Cu) from wastewater , Cu accumulation in ten wetland plant species and the rules were studied in constructed wetlands. The results showed that the difference among the plant species was two times for Cu concentrations in the plants , but it was as much as 41 times for Cu accumulation. The reason for this is that the variation among the plant species was more than 50 times for plant bio mass (dry weight) . Co rrelatio n analysis indicates that the accumulations of Cu in wetland plants have no obvious relation with Cu concentrations in the plants , but significantly correlate ( P < 0. 01 ) with plant bio masses. These results demonstrate that selection of suitable wetland plant species in the wetland for the treatment of Cu - polluted wastewater will greatly affect Cu removal efficiency. The first index for selecting wetland plant species with high Cu accumulating ability is bio mass , and the second index is Cu concentration in the plant . Four wetland plant species with high Cu accumulating abilities were screened out .


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基金项目 : 常州市科技计划项目 (CC2007203) ; 江苏省 “青蓝工程” 中青年学术带头人项目 作者简介 : 刘建国 (1 963 - ) , 男 , 安徽岳西人 , 博士 , 副教授 , 主要从事重金属污染防治研究 。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-03-25