 XU E Guo- x in.Virtual Slope Model Proposed for Railway Traffic[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(01):55-58.





Virtual Slope Model Proposed for Railway Traffic
江苏工业学院 信息科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 21 31 64
XU E Guo- x in
Schoo l o f Information Science and Eng ineering , Jiangsu Poly technic U niver sity, Chang zhou 213 164, China)
轨道交通 超车模型 跟车模型 虚坡
railw ay traffic overtaking car- fo llow ing virtual slope
T P 3911 9
建立准确有效的列车行驶的计算机仿真模型, 对于优化轨道交通管理, 具有十分重要的意义。 以往在 此方面已做了 较 多 的研究工作, 但尚存不足之处。 主要表现在对于寻找一种能自 动满足列车运动约束条件的时间空间大范围列 车运行方案方面 尚 未给予足够重视。 元胞自 动机模型被用于模拟公路车辆的行驶, 但这类模型对于轨道交通问题, 难以严格 满足约束条件。 为 此 将公路交通车辆行驶中的超车跟车虚坡模型推广应用于轨道交通, 通过引 入假想道路宽度参数, 得到了 一种 轨道交通的虚坡 模 型。 假定每一列车或站台尾部有一假想尾巴 ( 或称虚坡, 或称假 想 S 形斑马线 ) , 通过它来表示 当前列车 或站台对 于后方列 车 的减速作用。 对一个实例进行了 设计计算。 结果表明该模型是有效的。
The creation of valid and accur ate computer simulation models for running trains is significant for the optimal management of railw ay traffic. A lot of research work has been done in this field. But there are still some shortcom ings. Sufficient attention has not been paid to the finding of a running progr am which would automatically satisfy constraint conditions in a large extent. Cellular automaton model has been used for the simulation of running cars. But this kind of model has difficulties in strictly satisfying constraint conditions. This paper extends the car- overtaking and car - following virtual slope model to the case of railw ay traffic. An imaginable road width is introduced. In this way a virtual slope model for railway traffic is proposed. Each train and station has an imaginable trailor an imaginable slope ( or im ag-i nable S- zebra line) which would slow down the following trains. A real example was checked with the virtual slope model. The results showed that it is valid.


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作者简介: 薛国新 ( 1962- ) , 男 , 江苏武进人, 研究员
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-03-25