 WU Yan - ro ng,L I Ding - lo ng,ZHAN G Zhi - j un.Study of the Migration of Heavy Metal in Se wage Sludge[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(02):13-16.





Study of the Migration of Heavy Metal in Se wage Sludge
武雁榕 李定龙 张志军
江苏工业学院 环境与安全工程学院 , 江苏 常州 21 31 64
WU Yan - ro ng L I Ding - lo ng ZHAN G Zhi - j un
School of Environmental and Safety Engineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213164 , China)
污水污泥 重金属 静态浸渗 动态淋滤
sewage sludge heavy metal static digestio n dynamic leaching
X 703
通过实验 , 着重分析了 常州市城北污水处理厂污泥重金属迁移规律 。 研究表明 , 污泥中重金属 Cr 和 Cu 元素的总含量超 过污泥农用标准 ; 静态浸渗实验结果显示酸性和碱性条件下的重金属溶出 含量均高于中性 , 除 Cu 在碱性条件下的溶出 量略多 于酸性外 , 其余重金属均为酸性 > 碱性 > 中性 ; 动态淋滤实验中重金属元素含量基本先呈递增趋势随后缓慢减少 , 浸出 量顺序 为酸性 > 碱性 > 中性 , 而 Cu 元素则在酸性条件下浸出量是逐渐递减的 , 且在酸碱性条件下的浸出 量相当 ; 污泥填埋应控制在 中性环境 。
The migration of heavy metal in sewage sludge from Chengbei sewage treatment plant of Changzhou has been analyzed. The results showed that Cr and Cu concentrations violated the standard of sludge used for agriculture. The static digestion experiment showed that the concentration of heavy metals under acidic and alkalic conditions were both higher than those at neutral , except that the concentration of Cu under alkalic was higher than that under acidic and others in the order of acidic > alkalic > neutral. The dynamic leaching experiment showed that heavy metal content increased first , and then decreased slowly. The content was generally in the order of acidic > alkalic > neutral. But the content of Cu decreased at all times under acidic , and the leaching contents were equal in conditions of acidity and alkality. Landfill should be controlled at neutral.


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基金项目 : 江苏省 《环境科学与工程》 重点实验室项目 资助 ( ZD041 204) 作者简介 : 武雁榕 (1 983 - ) , 女 , 江苏连云港人 , 硕士 。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-06-25