 ZH O U Y ong - sheng,LIN F u - rong.Determination of Solanesol in the Extracts of Tobacco Leaves by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(03):56-58.





Determination of Solanesol in the Extracts of Tobacco Leaves by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
周永生 林富荣
江苏工业学院 化学化工学院 , 江苏 常州 213 164
ZH O U Y ong - sheng LIN F u - rong
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity , Changzhou 213164 , China
电喷雾质谱 茄尼醇 定量分析
Electros pray Ioniz ation M ass Spectrometry So laneso l quantitative analysi s
TQ 460. 72
采用电喷雾质谱 ( ESI - M S) 技术对烟叶提取物中茄尼醇进行定量分析 , 条件为 : Hypersil O DS 柱 , 甲醇 - 异丙醇 (体 积比为 40 ∶ 60) 混合液为流动相 , 质 谱采用 选择离 子模 式 ( SIM ) 。 实验 结果表 明: 茄尼 醇样 品质量 浓度 在 8 × 10 - 4 ~ 80 × 10 - 4m g/ mL 范围内 有良 好线 性 关系 Y = 3. 53 × 105 + 1. 53 × 101 4 X ( r = 0. 995 1) ; 最 低检 测限 为 0. 12 ng ; 平 均 回收 率 为 99. 1 % ; 6 次测定 8 × 10 - 4 mg/ m L 的茄尼醇标准溶液保留时间的 精密度为 0. 11 % , 峰 面积的精 密度 0. 26 % 。 该方 法可避免 共 流出物对待测组分的干扰 , 灵敏度高 , 有良好的精密度和准确性 , 提高了 分析效率 。
The qualitative and quantitative analysis of so lanesol ex tracted from tobacco leaves were per- formed by electro spray i oniza tion quadrupole ion optics m ass spectro metry ( ESI - M S) in po sitive ion mode . The analytes w ere separated on a H ype rsil O DS column using i sopropy l alco ho l - methanol (V (al- cohol) ∶ V (methanol) = 60 ∶ 40) as m obile phas e . Mass spectrometer was fi rst tuned wi th s tandard so- l ution of solanesol to obtain o ptimum param eters for detecting , then quantifiation of s olaneso l w ere carried out in selective ion m ode . A s the results showed , the linear range was 8 × 10 - 4 ~ 80 × 10 - 4 m g/ m L (r = 0. 995 1) . Limit of detectio n (LO D) of the method was 0. 12 ng . Average recovery w as 99. 1 % . The pre- cision of the retention time w as 0. 1 1 % RSD (n = 6) and the precision of the peak area determinatio n is 0. 26 % RSD (n = 6) . The method could avoid the dis turbance of the co- effluence to solanesol .


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基金项目 : 江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室开放课题 ( ZDK 07020001) 作者简介 : 周永生 ( 1981 -) , 男 , 江苏盐城人 , 助理工程师
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-09-25