[1]付 猛,等.凹凸棒石对水中亚甲基蓝的脱色研究*[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(04):6-9.
 FU M eng,Y A N Chun- x ia,et al.Decoloration Performance of Palygorskite to Methylene Blue[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(04):6-9.





Decoloration Performance of Palygorskite to Methylene Blue
付 猛1 2 严春霞1 胡佳佳1 陈志刚 1
1. 江苏工 业学院 材料科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 21 31 64; 2 常州市高分子新材料重点实验室, 江苏常州 21 31 64
FU M eng 1 2 Y A N Chun- x ia1 H U Jia- jia1 CH EN Zhi- gang1
1.Schoo l o f M aterials Science and Eng ineer ing, Jiangs u P olytechnic U niver sity, Changz ho u 213 164, China; 2. Key Labor ator y for Po lymer M ater ials , Chang zhou 21 3164, China
凹凸棒石 亚甲基蓝 脱色
play gors kite m ethylene blue decolor ation
P 579
以亚甲基蓝为目 标污染物, 以凹凸棒石为吸附剂, 研究煅烧温度、 吸附温度、 吸附时间和凹凸棒石用 量对亚甲基蓝水 溶 液脱色性能的影响。 结果表明 , 煅烧温度、 吸附温度、 吸附时间和凹凸棒石用量是凹凸棒石吸附亚甲基蓝 的重要影响因 素。 在 煅烧温度为 350 时, 亚甲基蓝水溶液的脱色率可达 69% ; 随吸附时间 的延长, 凹凸棒石 对水溶液中亚甲 基蓝的脱色率 增大, 吸附时间超过 30 m in 后, 凹凸棒石吸附即可达到平衡; 随吸附温度的升高, 凹凸棒石对亚 甲基蓝水溶液的 脱色率呈上升 趋势; 随凹凸棒石用量的增加, 水中亚甲基蓝的脱色率随之增大, 在投加量为 1 0- 1 5 g 时, 单位质量纯凹凸棒石对亚甲基蓝的吸 附 量较高。
Effects of calcination temperature, adsorption temperature, adso rption time and amount of palygo rskite on adsorption proper ties to m ethylene blue were investigated with playgors kite as adso rbent. The results suggested that the decolor ation rate of methylene blue solution increased and then decreased with increase of calcination temperature, and that the decoloration rate was as high as 69% when calcination temperature was 350 ℃. The decoloration rate of methylene blue solution increased with the rise of adso rption temperature or the pass age of ads orption time or amounts of palyg orskite. The adsorption capacity of play gors kite w as saturated after adsorption for 30 m inutes. When dosage of play gors kite rang ed fro m 1.0- 1.5 g , the adsorption capacity of each unit weight playgorskite was better than that of others.


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基金项目 : 江苏省支撑计划 ( BE 2008 03 3) ; 江苏省高技术项目 ( BG 2007017) ; 常州市攻关项目 ( C E 2008 11 1) 作者简介: 付猛 ( 1973 - ) , 男 , 内 蒙赤峰人, 博士, 从事微孔材料研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-12-25