[1]李绍莹,全 易,区少芳,等.丙烯酸 - 淀粉接枝共聚物的合成和性能 3[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(04):10-13.
 L I Shao - ying,Q UAN Yi,O U Shao - fang,et al.Study of the Synthesis of Starch - Acrylic Acid Graft Copolymer and Property[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(04):10-13.

丙烯酸 - 淀粉接枝共聚物的合成和性能 3()




Study of the Synthesis of Starch - Acrylic Acid Graft Copolymer and Property
李绍莹 全 易 区少芳 孙 玲
江苏工业学院 化学化工学院 , 江苏 常州 21 31 64
L I Shao - ying Q UAN Yi O U Shao - fang SUN Ling
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
淀粉 丙烯酸 接枝共聚 印花
starch acrylic acid graft polymerizatio n p rinting
TS 1 941 4
以玉米淀粉和丙烯酸 (AA) 为原料合成了接枝共聚物 。 考察了 淀粉丙烯酸质 量比 、 引 发剂量 、 反应温度 、 反应时间对 反应和产物印花性能的影响 。 得到最佳反应条件为 : m (淀粉) ∶ m (丙烯酸) = 1 ∶ 4 ; m (过硫酸钾) ∶ m (淀粉) = 01 25 ∶ 1 ; n (过硫酸钾) ∶ n (亚硫酸氢钠) = 2 ∶ 1 ; 反应温度 85 ℃; 反应时间为 3 h 。 在此条件下 , 单体转化率 971 68 % , 接枝效率 为 941 30 %。 印花试验表明本产物印花的给色量和色光均优于海藻酸钠 , 轮廓清晰度基本相同 , 而柔软性接近海藻酸钠 。
The graft copolymer was synt hesized from maize and acrylic acid by aqueous solution polymerization. The effect of mass ratio of starch to acrylic acid , initiator dosage , reactio n temperat ure and time on the graft copolymerization and printing properties was investigated. The optimal condition was that , corn starch ∶ acrylic acid ( mass ratio ) = 1 ∶ 4 ; potassium persulfate : corn starch ( mass ratio ) = 0.05 ∶ 1 ; potassium persulfate : sodium bisulfate ( mole ratio) = 2 ∶ 1 ; reation temperature was 85 ℃; reatio n time was 3 h. On this condition , the mo no mer co nversio n was 97.68 % and the grafting efficiency was 94.30 %. Printing tests showed that the colour yield and shade of this copolymer were better than that of sodium alginate. Pattern sharpness was similar to sodium alginate. The softness was close to sodium alginate.


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作者简介 : 李绍莹 (1 981 - ) , 女 , 山 东滨州人 , 硕士 ; 联系人 : 全易 。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-12-25