[1]孙锦彩,吴海萍,朱梦冰,等.聚丙烯/ 马来酸酐接枝物的等温结晶动力学[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(04):14-17.
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聚丙烯/ 马来酸酐接枝物的等温结晶动力学()




Kinetics of Isothermal Crystallization of Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene
孙锦彩 吴海萍 朱梦冰 俞 强
江苏工业学院 材料科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 21 31 64
SU N Jing - cai WU H ai- ping ZH U M eng- bin Y U Q iang
School of M aterials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity, Changzhou 213164, China
聚丙烯接枝马来酸酐 等温结晶动力学 马来酸酐接枝率 聚丙烯降解程度
maleic anhydride g rafted po lypropylene kinetics of iso thermal cr ystallization m aleic anhy dride grafting ratio extent of polypropylene degradation
T Q 325 1
以差示扫描量热方法和 A vram i 模型分析聚丙烯/ 马来酸酐接枝物的等温结晶行为, 分别考察了 马来 酸酐接枝率、 接枝 物 降解程度和第二接枝单体结构对接枝物等温结晶动力学的影响。 结果表明 : 接枝马来酸酐基团可以促进晶 核形成, 从而加快 结 晶速率; 但高接枝率下分子间作用力的增强导致链段运动受阻, 使结晶速率放慢。 接枝物在较高温度下等温 结晶时结晶过程 受 成核控制, 接枝物的结晶速率随降解程度增加而降低。 由于二乙烯基苯引 入的刚性侧基和可能的微交联结 构, 其作为第二接 枝 单体时, 链段运动能力下降, 结晶速率放慢
The is othermal crystallization behavior of P P- g - M A H was measured using differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC) and the kinetics of iso thermal cry stallization was analyzed with A vrami equation. Effects of M A H grafting ratio, the extent of PP degr adation, and the s tructur e o f g rafting co monomers on the kinetics of is othermal crystallization of P P- g- M A H w ere ex amined. The M A H gro ups grafted onto PP could promote the for mation of nucleation rate, giving rise to an increased crystallization rate. H ow ever, the enhanced intermo lecular force, from the high deg ree of M A H grafting ratio, restricted the segm ent motion and resulted in the slowing down of the cry stallization process. The is otherm al cry stallization of PP - g - M A H was controlled by the nucleation rate at high temperature region, and as a result, the cry stall-ization rate of PP - g - M A H decreased as the extent of PP deg radation during the melt g rafting process increased. When diviny l benzene w as used as the grafting como no mer, the rigid group and the po ss ible microcros slinking structure hindered the cry stallization.


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作者简介: 孙锦彩 ( 1983 - ) , 女, 宁夏银川人, 硕士研究生; 联系人: 俞强。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-12-25