[1]马江权,周 凯,陆 敏,等.C5 / C9 共聚石油树脂的加氢工艺研究[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(04):36-39.
 MA Jiang - quan,ZHOU Kai,L U Min,et al.Study of C5 / C9 Copolymerized Petroleum Resin Hydrogenation Process[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(04):36-39.

C5 / C9 共聚石油树脂的加氢工艺研究()




Study of C5 / C9 Copolymerized Petroleum Resin Hydrogenation Process
马江权1 2 周 凯1 陆 敏1 黄荣荣 1 陆路德2
1. 江苏工业学院 江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室 , 江苏 常州 21 31 64 ; 21 南京理工大学 化工学院 , 江苏 南京 21 0094
MA Jiang - quan1 2 ZHOU Kai1 L U Min1 HUAN G Ro ng - ro ng1 L U L u - de
1.Jiangsu Key Labo rato ry of Fine Petrochemical Engineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity , Chang2 zho u 21 31 64 , China ; 2. School of Chemical Engineering , Nanjing U niversity of Science and Technolo gy , Nanjing 21 0094 , China
C5/ C9 共聚石油树脂 加氢 工艺
C5 / C9 copolymerized petroleum resin hydro genatio n p rocess
TQ 0521 4
为了得到优质的加氢石油树脂 , 采用固定床加氢反应装置对 C5/ C9 共聚石油树脂进行了 加氢研究 。 原料为色相 ( Fe - Co 比色法) 1 1 # 、 软化点 1 22 ℃的 C5/ C9 共聚石油树脂 , 采用镍基催化剂 , 反应温度 : 230 - 260 ℃ , 反应压力 : 21 0 - 41 0 MPa , 空速 : 01 5 h - 1 , 氢油体积比 : 600 ∶ 1 , 制备出色相 1 # , 软化点 98 ℃的水白 色加氢石油 树脂 , 考察了 加氢过程中 各种工艺条 件的影响 。
The hydrogenation processes to C5 / C9 copolymerized petroleum resin by fixed - bed hydro gena2 tio n reacto r were st udied in o rder to obtain t he hydro genated petroleum resin wit h excellent heat stability. The C5 / C9 copolymerized petroleum resins , which has a Gardner color of 1 1 # ( Fe - Co) and a softening point of 1 22 ℃ were used as raw material in the presence of nickel - based catalyst . The operatio n co ndi2 tio ns are temperat ure of 230 - 260 ℃; p ressure of 21 0 - 41 0 M Pa ; space velocity of 0.5 h - 1 , and ratio of gas to oil of 600 ∶ 1 . Water white hydro genated C5 / C9 copolymerized petroleum resins were o btained with a Gardner color of 1 # ( Fe - Co ) and a softening point of 98 ℃. The operating parameters that influence the hydro genatio n p rocesses were also investigated in t his paper.


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基金项目 : 扬子石油化工股份有限公司 资助项目 (03J SNJ YZ1 1 0032) 作者简介 : 马江权 (1 969 - ) , 男 , 江苏南通人 , 硕士 , 副教授 , 主要从事新型分离技术研究 、 精细石油化工产品开 发研制和化工原理教学工作 。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-12-25