[1]陈红梅,叶 青,朱国彪,等.隔离壁萃取精馏塔分离甲乙酮/ 水[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(04):44-47.
 C H EN Ho ng - mei,YE Qing,ZHU Guo - biao,et al.Study of Separation of 2 - Butanone/ Water with Divided Wall Extractive Distillation Column[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(04):44-47.

隔离壁萃取精馏塔分离甲乙酮/ 水()




Study of Separation of 2 - Butanone/ Water with Divided Wall Extractive Distillation Column
陈红梅 叶 青 朱国彪 裘兆蓉
江苏工业学院 江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室 , 江苏 常州 21 301 6
C H EN Ho ng - mei YE Qing ZHU Guo - biao Q IU Zhao - ro ng
Jiangsu Key Labo rato ry of Fine Petrochemical Technolo gy , Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity , Changzho u 21 301 6 , China
隔离壁萃取精馏塔 甲乙酮 模拟
divided wall extractive distillatio n column 2 - butano ne water simulatio n
TQ 01 6
利用隔离壁萃取精馏塔分离甲乙酮/ 水的共沸物 。 考察了 溶剂比 、 回流比和进料速度对分离过程的影响 。 当溶剂比为 3 、 回流比为 31 5 、 进料速度为 11 6 mL/ min 时 , 塔顶甲乙酮的质量分数达到 981 8 % , 塔釜乙二醇质量分数达到 961 3 %。 利用 Asp2 en Plus 对该新工艺进行了 模拟 。 结果表明 , 模拟值与实验值相一致 。 此新工艺比常规萃取精馏工艺节能 51 6 %。
A divided wall extractive distillation column was used to separate azeotrope of 2 - butano ne and water. The influence of ratio of solvent and feed , reflux ratio , flow rate on process was investigated. The mass fraction of 2 - butano ne reached 98. 8 % in top stream and mass fraction of et hylene glycol in bot2 to m stream reached 96.3 % under t he co ndition that feed rate was 1.6 mL/ min , ratio of solvent and feed was 3 , reflux ratio was 3 . 5 . This novel process was simulated by Aspen Plus soft . The results showed that the value of simulation was acco rdant with t he value of experiment . This novel process , co mpared with co nventio nal extractive distillation process , co uld save energy co nsump tio n up to 51 6 %.


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基金项目 : 中国石油化工股份有限公司 基金 ( X505021 ) ; 江苏省教委自 然科学基金 ( KYZ0501 0038) 作者简介 : 陈红梅 (1 982 - ) , 女 , 江苏常州人 , 硕士 ; 联系人 : 裘兆蓉 。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-12-25