[1]董良飞,李 芬,刘会东,等.NO-3-N和NH+4-N联合生物炭对黑麦草修复镉污染的影响[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2023,35(02):36-45.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.02.005 ]
 DONG Liangfei,LI Fen,LIU Huidong,et al.Effects of NO-3-N and NH+4-N combined biochar on Cd remediation by ryegrass[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2023,35(02):36-45.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.02.005 ]

NO-3-N和NH+4-N联合生物炭对黑麦草修复镉污染的影响 ()




Effects of NO-3-N and NH+4-N combined biochar on Cd remediation by ryegrass
董良飞12 李 芬1 刘会东2 仲慧赟2
(1.常州大学 环境科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164; 2.常州大学 城市建设学院, 江苏 常州 213164)
DONG Liangfei12 LI Fen1 LIU Huidong2 ZHONG Huiyun2
(1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2.School of Urban Construction, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
生物炭 硝酸盐氮 铵态氮 镉污染 生物有效性
biochar nitrate nitrogen ammonium nitrogen Cd pollution bioavailability
X 712
为降低土壤中镉(Cd)的危害,研究探讨了生物炭配施氮肥对黑麦草富集Cd的影响。采用盆栽实验研究土壤Cd污染水平(0.3,3,5 mg/kg)、氮肥形态(硝酸盐氮和铵态氮)、氮肥水平(0.1,0.2,0.5,1 g/kg)对Cd形态和黑麦草富集的影响。结果表明,单施生物炭可以固定土壤中游离的Cd,相比NH+4-N,配施NO-3-N黑麦草对Cd的吸收、迁移和富集能力更强。不同Cd污染浓度下,不同NO-3-N水平下Cd的最大去除率分别可以达到30.23%,36.06%和30.90%; 不同NH+4-N水平下,Cd的最大去除率可以达到24.49%,28.05%和24.79%。结合相关性分析表明,pH对Cd形态变化和Cd的富集起着关键性作用,且生物炭与NO-3-N的配施可以更有效、快捷地降低土壤中的Cd,更利于Cd污染土壤的安全应用。
The effects of nitrogen fertilizer and biochar on ryegrass Cd enrichment were examined in order to lessen the harm caused by cadmium(Cd)in soil. The effects of soil Cd pollution levels(0.3, 3, 5 mg/kg), nitrogen fertilizer forms(nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen)and nitrogen fertilizer levels(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 g/kg)on Cd forms and ryegrass enrichment were studied in pot experiment. According to the findings, biochar alone might repair free Cd in soil, compared to NH+4-N, combined application of NO-3-N ryegrass has a stronger ability to absorb, migrate and enrich Cd. Under different Cd pollution concentrations, the maximum removal rates of Cd under different NO-3-N levels could reach 30.23%, 36.06% and 30.90%, respectively, while the maximum removal rates of Cd under different NH+4-N levels could reach 24.49%, 28.05% and 24.79%. Combined correlation analysis revealed that pH played a significant role in the change of Cd morphology and Cd enrichment. When biochar and NO-3-N were applied together, the content of Cd in the soil could be reduced more quickly and effectively, which was better suited for the safe application of Cd-polluted soil.


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收稿日期: 2022-11-15。
作者简介: 董良飞(1972—), 男, 江苏沛县人, 博士, 教授。E-mail: dlf@cczu.edu.cn

更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01