[1]王 濯,卢 珏.脑卒中后患者吞咽障碍真实体验的质性Meta整合[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2023,35(06):90-97.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.06.012]
 WANG Zhuo,LU Jue.Qualitative meta-synthesis of real experiences of stroke patients with dysphagia[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2023,35(06):90-97.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.06.012]





Qualitative meta-synthesis of real experiences of stroke patients with dysphagia
王 濯 卢 珏
(常州大学 医学与健康工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164)
WANG Zhuo LU Jue
(School of Medical and Health Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
脑卒中 吞咽障碍 质性研究 系统评价 Meta整合
stroke dysphagia qualitative research systematic evaluation meta-synthesis
R 473.5
经计算机检索数据库,收集从建库至2021年12月关于脑卒中后患者吞咽障碍体验的质性研究文献,对结果进行Meta整合,旨在系统评价和整合脑卒中后患者吞咽障碍的真实体验。结果共纳入11篇中英文文献,提炼出73个研究结果,经归纳、综合成3个整合结果,共包含10个新类别。整合结果发现患者经历严重的生理障碍与矛盾情绪; 患者的日常生活和家庭社会角色受限,但随时间推移,患者尝试恢复日常生活和家庭社会角色; 患者逐渐自我调整,并管理吞咽障碍,但仍渴望得到医务人员的持续支持。结果提示医务人员需关注患者的经历、需求与体验,给予相应支持和指导,帮助患者改善生理、心理、社会等层面的困境,提高患者吞咽相关的生活质量。
To systematically review and synthesize the lived experience of living with post-stroke dysphagia, relevant electronic databases were searched from inception to December 2021,to collect qualitative studies in the experience of living with post-stroke dysphagia. A total of 11 studies were included,and 73 complete findings were grouped according to 3 integrated results to form 10 new categories. Integration results found that patients suffered from both physiological and psychological burdens; patients were limited in daily life and social activities, and attempted to reintegrate to social and life roles over time; patients gradually adjusted themselves and achieve self-management, while they desired to receive continuing support from medical staff. Medical staff should pay attention to the patient's needs and experience, giving corresponding support to help patients improving the physiological, psychological, social and other aspects, in order to improve the patient's swallowing-related quality of life.


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收稿日期: 2023-04-20。
基金项目: 常州市卫健委重大科技资助项目(ZD202014)。
作者简介: 王濯(1991—), 女, 江苏常州人, 博士, 讲师。 E-mail: wangzhuo88@cczu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01