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Heterogeneous Photocatalyst on Semiconductor and its Application to Environmental Protection
盛 梅 许 淮 朱毅青
江苏石油化工学院化学工程系, 江苏 常州 213016
SHENG Mei XU Huai ZHU Yi -qing
Department of Chemical Engineering , Jiangsu Insti tute of Pet rochemical Technolog y , Changzhou 213016 , China
semiconductor photocataly st TiO2
O 643.1
综述了半导体光催化剂的研究开发现状、各类光催化剂的性能以及光催化在环境保护方面的应用。简要介绍了光催化在 自洁、卫生保健等方面的应用前景。
The paper reviews the recent applied research of the heterogeneous photocatalysts on semico nductors .The property and materials of all kinds of photocataly sts and its applications to environmental cont rol are introduced .At the same time , the application of photocataly sts to self -cleaning and health care is briefly introduced.


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作者简介:盛梅(1964 -), 女, 江苏江阴人, 副教授, 硕士, 主要从事生物催化和化学催化方面的研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2001-09-25