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铁屑过滤- 光催化氧化处理染料废水()




T reatm ent of D ye Wast ew at er w it h Ir on Chips Filt rat ion- pho t ocataly t ic D eg radat ion Pro cess
张智宏 宋封琦
江苏工业学院化学工程系, 江苏 常州 213016
ZHANG Zhi- hong ZONG Feng- qi
Department of Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213016, China
铁屑过滤 光催化 染料废水
iron f iling filtration photocatalyt ic dye w astew ater
X 703. 1
探讨了采用铁屑过滤- 光催化氧化法处理印染废水和合成染料废水的工艺, 与单独用铁屑过滤法和光催化氧化法进行比 较, 结果表明将两者联合使用效果较好, 对印染废水和染料废水的脱色率分别达91%、85%, 对COD 的去除率也分别达73% 和44%。
The treatment of dye wastewater and synthetic dye wastewater with iron filtrat ion- photocatalytic degradation process was investigated. Comparing w ith single iron chips filtration or photocatalyt ic degradat ion process, the results showed that the efficiency of combined process was higher. The decolorizing efficiencies of dye wastewater and synthetic dye wastewater was 91% and 85% respectively, furthermore, COD removal efficiencies was 73% and 44% respect ively.


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作者简介: 张智宏( 1966- ) , 女, 江苏丹阳人, 副教授, 主要研究方向为精细化工及工业分析。
更新日期/Last Update: 2003-09-25