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Development in Separation of Dimethy l Carbonate-methanol Azeotrope
韩萍芳 李 扬 王延儒
南京工业大学化学化工学院, 江苏南京210009
HAN Ping -fang LI Yang WANG Yan -ru
College of Chemist ry and Chemical Engineering , Nanjing University of Technology , Nanjing 210009 , China
dimethy l carbonate (DMC)methanol azeot rope separation
O 642.42
碳酸二甲酯被称为有机合成的基石和绿色化学品, 是最重要和具有广阔前景的化合物之一。介绍了碳酸二甲酯-甲醇共 沸物的分离方法及汽液平衡研究情况, 重点介绍共沸精馏和萃取精馏分离该共沸物的研究进展。
Dimethyl carbonate (DMC), called a cornerstone of organic synthesis and g reen chemical , was one of the most important and the best prospect chemicals in chemical industry .Recent development in the separation of dimethy l carbonate and methanol binary azeot ropic mix ture was int roduced and summarized , especially for ext ractive distillat ion and azeotropic distillation processes .The research progress for the vapor -liquid equilibrium of the system w as review ed .


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作者简介:韩萍芳(1954 -), 女, 江苏 常州 人, 副教授, 博士生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2003-12-25