 WU Miao - xin,WU Guo - ying,WANGJ un - de,et al.Spectrophotometric Determination of Microamounts of Phosphorus in Biodiesel Fuels by Phospho - Molybdenumblue[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2004,(02):23-25.





Spectrophotometric Determination of Microamounts of Phosphorus in Biodiesel Fuels by Phospho - Molybdenumblue
巫淼鑫1 2 邬国英2 王俊德1 宣 慧3
1.南京理工大学现代光谱实验室, 江苏南京210014 ; 2.江苏工业学院测试中心, 江苏 常州 213016
WU Miao - xin1 2 WU Guo - ying2 WANGJ un - de1 XUAN Hui3
1. Laboratory of Advanced Spect roscopy , Nanjing University of Science and Technology , Nanjing 210094 , China ; 2. Analysis Center , J iangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213016 , China
生物柴油 分光光度法
biodiesel phosphorus spect rophotometric method
O 657.32  
通过实验认为钼蓝分光光度法适合于生物柴油中微量磷含量的测定。优化了实验条件, 用直接定容取代定容后再分取, 使样品的用量减少至原来的1/ 5 , 样品炭化和灰化等处理时间大大缩短, 使整个分析时间缩短约1.5 h。用KOH 为催化剂, 以 大豆油、菜籽油、棉籽油、玉米油、花生油和麻油为原料合成了6 种生物柴油。用钼蓝分光光度法测定了它们的磷含量, 结果 表明当6 种植物油采用碱催化制成生物柴油后磷含量显著降低, 都小于5 mg/ kg , 能满足德国生物柴油中磷含量小于10 mg/ kg 的标准要求。
It has been proved that the phospho - molybdenumblue photomet ry can be applied for the determina2 tion of phosphorus in biodiesel fuels with satisfactory result s. The determinating conditions were optimized. In the new analytical method , the sample size is only 1/ 5 of the previous one. The sample handling time such as carbonization and ashing was shortened greatly. So the analysis time was shortened about 115 h. The pure biodiesel fuels of six edible plant oils , which are rapeseed oil , peanut oil , corn oil , cottonseed oil , sesame oil and soyabean oil , have been made by means of base catalysis and t ransesterification. The phosphorus content in 6 biodiesel fuels , all less than 5 mg/ kg , has been determinated by phospho - molybdenumblue photomet ry , ac2 cords with the specification of Germany biodiesel fuel and is much lower than that in it s plant oil when the biodiesel fuel was made f rom it s plant oil by base catalysis.


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基金项目: 中国石化集团总公司资助项目(102019) 作者简介: 巫淼鑫(1964 - ) , 男, 浙江武义人, 副研究员, 南京理工大学化工学院博士研究生, 主要从事化学分析 和仪器分析方面研究; 3 - 本院2000 级应用化学专业学生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2004-06-25