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A New Type of Melt Crystallization Technique Based on High - Speed Solidification and Sweating
汪 斌1 2 王车礼2 云 志1
1.南京工业大学化学化工学院, 江苏南京210009 ; 2.江苏工业学院化学工程系, 江苏 常州 213016
WANG Bin1 2 WANG Che - li2 YUN Zhi1
1.School of Chemical Engineering , Nanjing University of Technology , Nanjing 210009 , China ; 2. De2 partment of Chemical Engineering , J iangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213016 , China
熔融结晶 直接冷却 固化 发汗 颗粒提纯
melt crystallization direct cooling solidification sweating pastille purification
TQ 026.5  
提出了一种新的基于直接冷却固化与发汗提纯的熔融结晶技术。其基本过程是将有机混合物熔融液直接滴入惰性冷却介 质中, 制成大小均匀的固体颗粒, 然后经发汗、分离发汗液后, 得到高纯度产品。实验研究了原料组成、冷却固化温度、固体 颗粒直径等因素对颗粒提纯效果的影响。结果表明, 原料组成不同的固体颗粒在相同温度下发汗提纯, 其产品纯度趋向一致, 说明产品的最终纯度是由发汗温度决定的。冷却固化温度低, 得到的固体颗粒结构致密, 颗粒发汗提纯速率较慢, 但产品收率 较高。颗粒直径越小, 提纯速率越快, 发汗后产品纯度
This paper presents a new type of melt crystallization technique based on a combination of solidification and sweating. In the new melt crystallization process , the organic molten material was directly injected into the cooling medium and solidified to form f rozen droplet s of uniform size. Then the droplet s were sweated and separated f rom the sweat liquor , and the product with high purity was obtained. The effect s of material composition , cooling medium temperature and diameter of the f rozen droplet s on the product purity and yield were studied. Experimental result s showed that the purity of the f rozen droplet s of different initial compositions tend towards the same value at the same sweating temperature , which indicates that the purity of the f rozen droplet s are determined by the sweating temperature. At lower solidification temperature , the st ructure of the frozen droplet s is more compact , and the purification rate by sweating is slower , however the yield is higher. When the f rozen droplet s are smaller , the purification rate is faster , and the product is purer. Under the conditions of material composition of p - dichlorobenzene 85 % , cooling medium temperature 0 ℃, diameter of frozen droplet s 3.1 mm and sweating time 100 min , the purity of f rozen droplet s could be enhanced up to 99.6 % in one step. The purification rate coefficient is 1.02 ×10 - 3 s - 1 .


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基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金资助(BK2002011) 作者简介: 汪斌(1974 - ) , 男, 安徽芜湖人, 硕士研究生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2004-06-25