 CHEN Xian -feng,JIANG Mei -ping,SHEN Xiao -ming,et al.Transfer Matrix Algorithm in Study of Optical Bistability of Nonlinear Dielectric[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2005,(03):30-33.





Transfer Matrix Algorithm in Study of Optical Bistability of Nonlinear Dielectric
陈宪锋1 蒋美萍1 沈小明1 巢小刚1 是度芳1 2
1.江苏工业学院信息科学系, 江苏 常州 213016;2.华中科技大学物理系, 湖北武汉430074
CHEN Xian -feng1 JIANG Mei -ping 1 SHEN Xiao -ming1 CHAO Xiao -gang1 SHI Du -fang1 2
1 .Department of Info rmation Science , Jiangsu Poly technic University , Changzhou 213016 , China ;2 .Department of Physics , Huazhong University of Science and Technology , Wuhan 430074 , China
nonlinear medium t ransfer mat rix optical bistable switching
O 431.2
研究了一维非线性介质的传输矩阵算法, 并对色散型缺陷层的一维光子晶体的光学双稳态特性进行了模拟。研究表明, 该方法可以精确地模拟一维非线性介质的传输行为, 很方便地给出一维光子晶体的光学双稳态特性。
Transfer mat rix algorithm fo r 1D photonic crystal was studied w ith a defect layer of nonlinear dielectric .The method w as to divide the nonlinear medium into a lot of homogeneous sublayers and to deduce reversedly the input intensity f rom the output intensity by using t ransfer matrix of each sublayer .Then the method was applied in investigating the optical bistabili ty of 1D photonic crystal with a dispersive defect layer .The investigations show ed that the method simulated ex actly the behavior of elect romag netic wave propagating in 1D nonlinear medium .Optical bistable switching of 1D photonic crystal w ith nonlinear defect layer was studied by this method , and the results w ere w ell in accordance with that obtained by FDTD .


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作者简介:陈宪锋(1970 -), 男, 江苏张家港人, 讲师, 硕士, 主要从事基础物理教学和光学材料方面的研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2005-09-25