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Study of Operational Performance of Divided Wall Distillation Column
叶?? 青 段?? 红 施凤芹
江苏工业学院化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164
YE Qing DUAN Hong SHI Fen- qin
School of Chemist ry and Chemical Engineering, Jiang su Polytechnic U niversity , Changzho u 213164, China
分隔壁精馏塔 节能 操作特性
divided w all dist illat ion column ener gy saving oper at ional performance
TQ 028? 31 ??
以乙醇、丙醇及丁醇为例, 对分隔壁精馏塔用于三元混合物分离的操作特性及节能效果进行了模拟分析与研究。确定了 分隔壁精馏塔的优化操作条件, 即回流比为10、中间出料位置为第16 块理论板、进入分隔壁进料侧的汽液相流量分别为 30 km ol / h 和80 km ol / h, 分隔壁的上下部连接位置分别为第10 块板和第23 块板。结果表明: 与常规精馏流程相比, 采用分隔 壁精馏塔可节能30.49%上。
With the separation of ethanol, propanol and butanol as an example, the operat ional perfo rmance and the energ y saving ef fects of the divided w all dist illat ion co lumn were simulated and analyzed. the opt imum o peration condition was ascertained. the reflux ratio was 10; the middle out let position was the 16th theoretical plate; the vapor flow and liquid flow to the divided w all feed side were 80 kmol/ h and 30 kmol/ h, respectively. the upper and lower location of divided wall was the 10th and 23th theor et ical plate, respectively . the r esult showed that apply ing the divided wall distillation column, the rate of energy sav ing is about 30% compared w ith the conventional dist illation process according to the separ at ion requirement s.


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基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金资助( BK2004035) ; 中国石油化工股份有限公司基金资助( X505021) 作者简介: 叶青( 1968- ) , 女, 江苏 常州 人, 副教授。
更新日期/Last Update: 2007-12-25