 LYU Xiaofang,ZUO Jiangwei,LU Dayong,et al.Sensitivity Analysis of Factors Affecting the Induction Time of CO2 Hydrate in Flow System[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2019,31(06):60-68.





Sensitivity Analysis of Factors Affecting the Induction Time of CO2 Hydrate in Flow System
(常州大学 石油工程学院,江苏 常州 213164)
LYU Xiaofang ZUO Jiangwei LU Dayong ZHOU Shidong ZHAO Huijun WANG Shuli
(School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
CO2水合物 诱导期 压力 载液量 流量 敏感性分析
CO2 hydrate induction period pressure liquid carrying capacity flow rate sensitivity analysis
TE 832
水合物诱导期是表征水合物生成过程的重要参数,借助高压可视水合物环路,以CO2和水为实验介质开展流动体系水合物生成实验,探究了初始压力、载液量、体系流量对诱导期的影响规律,并应用多因素分析法计算了各影响因素的敏感性大小。实验研究结果表明:①CO2水合物诱导期随初始压力的增大而缩短,在载液量9 L、泵速30 Hz的实验体系下,初始压力为2.5 MPa和2.8 MPa所对应的诱导时间分别为27.2 min和23.6 min,而3 MPa下诱导期仅为17.4 min,分别缩短了13.24%和26.27%; 在7 L,30 Hz及8 L,30 Hz的实验下诱导期呈同样的变化趋势,高的初始压力能明显降低CO2水合物生成诱导时间。②诱导时间随着管路载液量的增加呈现先减小后增大的趋势。③在初始压力为2.8 MPa,载液量7 L的实验工况下,质量流量为20,25,28 kg/min所对应的诱导时间分别为25,22.5,18.4 min,即随着流量的增大诱导时间缩短。④通过对比不同影响因素的标准回归系数,发现实验流量对纯水体系CO2水合物诱导期起主导作用,初始压力的影响次之,载液量影响最小。
Hydrate induction period is one of the critical parameters to characterize the formation process of hydrate. Hydrate formation experiments of flow system were conducted with CO2 and water in a high-pressure visual hydrate loop. This study explored the effects of the initial pressure, liquid loading and system flow rate on the induction period, and calculated the sensitivity of each influencing factor through multi-factor analysis. The results indicated that: ① The induction period of CO2 hydrate decreased with the increase of the initial pressure. Under the experimental system of 9 L liquid loading and 30 Hz pump speed, the induction time corresponding to the initial pressure of 2.5 MPa and 2.8 MPa was 27.2 min and 23.6 min, respectively. While the initial pressure was 3 MPa, the induction period was only 17.4 min, which decreased 13.24% and 26.27%. The induction period showed the same changing trend in 7 L, 30 Hz and 8 L, 30 Hz experimental conditions. High initial pressure could significantly reduce the induction time of CO2 hydrate formation. ② The induction time firstly decreased and then increased with the increase of pipeline liquid loading. ③ Under the experimental conditions of initial pressure of 2.8 MPa and liquid loading of 7 L, the induction time corresponding to mass flow of 20, 25 and 28 kg/min was 25, 22.5 and 18.4 min, respectively. Therefore, the induction time decreased with the increase of flow rate. ④ The standard regression analysis of different influencing factors indicated that the experimental flow rate played a dominant role in the induction period of CO2 hydrate in pure water system, followed by the initial pressure and the liquid loading. This study can provide some implications for the prevention and control of hydrate and the safe operation of oil and gas pipelines.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51804046); 中国石油科技创新基金研究资助项目(2018D-5007-0602); 江苏省教育厅面上研究资助项目(18KJB440001)。
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-12-02